...to the beach.On the way—⑵—the beach,we—⑶—interesteresting...

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热心网友 时间:4分钟前

Last week, 【went】 to the beach.On the way【to】the beach,we【saw】interesteresting things. Soon we got to the beach
. Some of us plaged soccer on the beach,and【others】played in the water.In the afternoon,we【go】home,but Jim's bike was lost.We all helped him【find】the bike. But we didn't find it.We didn't know【how】to do.And then we called the【police】They found the【bike】three hours later.We got home so late and we here so tired【but】we were very happy。


热心网友 时间:3分钟前

Last week, we⑴ went(去) to the beach. On the way ⑵to(到) the beach,we ⑶ saw(看见) interesting things. Soon we got to the beach. Some of us played soccer on the beach, and ⑷ some(一些人) played in the water. In the afternoon, we ⑸ returned(返回) home, but Jim's bike was lost. We all helped him ⑹find(找) the bike. But we didn't find it. We didn't know ⑺ what(什么) to do. And then we called the ⑻ policemen(). They found the ⑼ bike(自行车) three hours later. We got home so late and we here so tired—⑽but(但是) we were very happy.

热心网友 时间:5分钟前

went to met others planed to go look for how police bike but
