款式最多,品牌最大的是“ugg Australia”,这个是美国的牌子,不过貌似正品也不可能进得到,这个品牌在中国*地区目前只有一个专卖店就在北京的蓝色港湾。款式他家官网就有,百度一下就知道了。
在国内可以进得到的就是“ugg Australia”的仿品,价格很便宜,估计正品有几种款式,仿品就有几种款式,去他家官网看看就知道了
款式有经典的,绑带的,爱斯基摩(边上带毛边的),户外(鞋底比较厚),防水(外面有涂层),毛线的,圆扣的 基本就这些吧
颜色主要有沙色,栗色,巧克力色,黑色,粉,蓝,红 防水的有印花图案的
按你说的同种样式不同颜色也算一款的话,大概有50款吧 如果短,中,长也算的话,乘以三吧
5815 5825
On the cold beach, a pair of warm sheepskin boots will be helpful for people. UGG is really enough unique,Ugg Bailey Button, noy only in winter,Ugg Mall, you will feel very comfortable when you put it on in any seasons. UGG boots can keep warm in winter and have good ventilation property in summer. Therefore, basically an advantage of genuine UGG short boots is that they are good at absorbing moisture. Besides, the pashm of the boots contains the lanoline, which is play a sterilization and protection part on people` skin.The unique materials and design of UGG boots can keep the temperature of foot at about 25 centi degree. It means that you will feel just very comfortable. The designs using woolen pads and light rubber insoles make the classic short boots cold-resistant and skid-free.The bottom of the boots is made of massy TPR material with good staying quality and rability.Although UGG boots looks like unwieldy, it is very suitable for pairing up with casual clothes, such as jean and so on. The fashion world is very strange. All the girls who have bought the ugly boots look very lovely and fashionable!Ugg Boots Sale! UGG Boots Sale Outlet store prices on UGG boots.