造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Four years ago, he suffered an ignominious first-round exit. This time around, he swept to the title in imperious style.(四年前,他遭受了首轮出局的羞耻。然而这一次,他横扫赛场一举夺冠。)
2、But sometimes, once in many days, or perchance in many months, she felt an eye - a human eye - upon the ignominious brand, that seemed to give a momentary relief, as if half of her agony were Shared.(但也有时候——好多天有这么一次,或者要好几个月才有这么一次,她会感到一双眼睛——一双人类的眼睛望着她那耻辱的印记,似乎能给她片刻的宽慰,象是分担了她的一半痛苦。)
3、At that time, we knew lies was ignominious, is not welcome the human, we should not deceive others.(那时,我们知道撒谎是可耻的,不受人欢迎的,我们不该欺骗别人。)
4、He made one mistake and his career came to an ignominious end.(他犯了一个错误,他的事业就很不体面地结束了。)
5、His greatest concern would seem to be avoiding an ignominious end while protecting his family.(他的最大的关心似乎是避免一个耻辱的下场从而可以保护他的家人。)
6、it is likely to be painful when a ignominious past is opened.(这很可能是痛苦的过去时,一个不光彩的打开。)
7、The industry also played an ignominious cameo in the second hearing, on AAA-rated investments peddled by Goldman Sachs that subsequently bombed.(这个行业在第二次听证会中也扮演了可耻的角色,由高盛公司兜售的AAA级投资品随后便惨败。)
8、The talks finished in ignominious failure. So distempered did things become that one drunk American delegate threatened another with a knife in the hallway of Claridge's hotel.(事情演变到失去控制的地步,以至于在克拉里奇酒店门厅内,一名喝醉了的美国代表竟对他人以刀相逼。)
9、Woolworths '99-year history came to an ignominious end, with all 807 shops closing by early January.(99年历史的沃尔·沃斯走到了终点,旗下807间商铺将在明年1月全部关闭。)
10、ignominious policy climbdowns, a stalling economy, irksome coalition partners-the least of all of David Cameron's worries is Ed Miliband.(可耻的政策退步,停滞不前的经济,令人讨厌的联盟伙伴——比起这些令戴维·卡梅伦烦心的事来,埃德·米利班德真算是让人省心了。)
11、After the ignominious defeat of 1967, the Arab states again rejected the idea of peace with Israel.(经历了1967年可耻的溃败之后,阿拉伯国家再次拒绝了与以色列和平相处。)
12、Thus she will be a living sermon against sin, until the ignominious letter be engraved upon her tombstone.(这样她就成了告诫人们抵制罪恶的活训条了,直到那个耻辱的字母刻到她的墓碑上为止。)
13、What an ignominious destiny for medicine if its future turned into one of bestowing meagre increments of unenjoyed life!(如果医学未来只是起延长痛苦的生命的作用,那么它将的命运将多么可耻啊!)
14、The Canaries were relegated from the Premier League on the final day of the 2004/05 campaign with an ignominious 6-0 defeat at Fulham.(令人惋惜的是,诺维奇城仅仅在英超联赛呆了一年,便又降入次级联赛。2004-2005赛季的最后一轮,诺维奇城0-6惨败给富勒姆,不幸降级,令人心痛。)
15、You will regret for do a ignominious trade.(如果你做过不耻的交易,你将来会后悔。)
16、Where, LONG. since, with all that dreary lapse of time between, Hester Prynne had encountered the world's ignominious stare.(在相隔许多凄风苦雨的岁月之前,海丝特·白兰曾经在那上面遭到世人轻辱的白眼。)
17、Not for him an ignominious exile or surrendering to a war-crimes trial in the Hague.(他既不选择可耻的还外流亡生涯,也不愿意投降接受海牙国际战犯法庭的审判。)
18、The conspiracy frittered away to ignominious conclusion.(阴谋总是以可耻的结尾告终!)
19、Four years ago, he suffered an ignominious first-round exit.(四年前,他遭受了首轮出局的耻辱。)
20、The conspiracy frittered away to an ignominious conclusion.(这些阴谋以可耻的失败而告终。)
21、Social media backers take that ignominious episode in stride.(社会媒体的支持者对这种盲从的小插曲并不反对。)
22、In 1654, a British expedition to capture Jamaica from the Spaniards suffered an ignominious defeat.(1654年,英国一支远征军奉命攻取西班牙的牙买加,败得很不光彩。)
23、He found himself indicted for arson and attemptedd murder, his career came to an abrupt and ignominious end.(他被指控犯有纵火罪和谋杀未遂。他的事业突然间落了个可耻的下场。)
24、"Brevet," said the President, "you have undergone an ignominious sentence, and you cannot take an oath."(“布莱卫,”庭长说,“您受过一种不名誉的刑罚,您不应当宣誓……”。)
25、Many thought that he was doomed to ignominious failure.(许多人认为他注定会极不光彩地失败。)
26、Yet this ignominious retreat became enshrined as a glorious victory; the guts of survivors made it a founding myth.(然而,这不光彩的撤退成为了一项光荣的胜利,幸存者的勇气使其成为了建国者的神话。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。