
用praying mantis造句子

2022-05-03 来源:欧得旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【praying mantis造句】内容,供您参考。

1、This film penetrates the world of these "personified aliens" and shows never before seen pictures of how a new species of praying mantis lives, loves and dies.(这部影片深入探讨“人格化的外来居民”的世界,展示给大家从没见过的新种类合掌螳螂如何生存,求爱和死亡的画面。)

2、He yearns to returns the greetings of the large and small insects he meets, such as a locust, a praying mantis, a spittlebug, a luna moth, and some mosquitoes.(他不理蝗虫与螳螂哥哥,也不和飞蛾姊姊与甲虫阿姨打招呼,更别说那些蚊子了。)

3、We have observed things like praying mantis just feasting on them, some spiders, toads. Some birds do eat them.(比如,我们观察过进食这些蝽卵的蟑螂,还有蜘蛛蟾蜍之类,有些鸟也吃。)

4、The fist is the imitation of mantis action, paw spreading, arms spinning for example. The fist is called Southern Family praying mantis Fist, who is full of the characteristics of Southern Boxing.(此拳模仿螳螂探爪、滚臂、吐信、叼手、捕蝉、摇身、点头等动作衍变而来,具有鲜明的南拳特色,故称“南派螳螂拳”。)

5、A praying mantis spreads its wings.(一只螳螂正在伸开它的翅膀。)

6、Maybe I could just buy some predator bugs, such as the praying mantis, to keep watch.(或许我可以就买些像螳螂之类的食肉昆虫来管管这些蚂蚁。)

7、Then we came to the magic show hall, the magician is a praying mantis, it was an assault, locust often hide among the bushes.(接着我们来到魔术表演厅,魔术师是螳螂,它是突击好手,经常躲在草丛中捕蝗虫。)

8、So, when I was 6 he gave me the job of picking the praying mantis pods off of the Christmas trees so that they wouldn't hatch in people's houses. I loved it!(所以在6岁的时候他让我把那些黏在圣诞树上的螳螂茧子取下来这样它们就不会被带到别人家里去了。)

9、even foreigners on chinese martial arts are very worship, and our people did not know how many people can truly northern praying mantis, this is a tragedy.(连外国人谈到中国武术都非常崇拜,而我们国人却没有多少人能真正知道螳螂拳,这是一个悲哀。)

10、Don't let the humidity get too high or your praying mantis can die.(不要让湿度过高或您螳螂可以死去。)

11、The acklay was born out of George Lucas' request to combine the characteristics of a praying mantis and a velociraptor to form a deadly arena creature.(阿克雷的诞生源于乔治·卢卡斯要求创造一种结合螳螂与迅猛龙特征的致命角斗场生物。)

12、The most ridiculous thing is the cosmetic surgery trend. Is a "praying mantis face" really attractive?(最可笑的是整容风,螳螂脸真的很好看吗?)

13、But recent DNA testing of the eyeless and wingless creature has shown its genetic make-up is closer to the praying mantis than the cockroach.(但是最近对这种盲眼、无翼的生物进行DNA分析,显示牠们在遗传组成上比之于蟑螂,倒更接近于螳螂。)

14、Not unlike a praying mantis, her odd and otherworldly beauty takes time to notice.(她就像一只螳螂,需要时间才能体会出她那奇特脱俗的美。)

15、We enjoy reading about them, especially when we find that, like the praying mantis, they lead.(我们喜欢看有关昆虫的书,尤其是当我们了解到螳螂等过着一种令人生畏的生活时,就更加。)

16、You've only seen praying mantis.(你可能见过螳螂拳。)

17、A praying mantis is seen on a railing as a light glows in the background during a baseball game in St Louis.(当背景灯亮起时,在棒球比赛场地栏杆上看到一只螳螂。)

18、A praying mantis on high alert waits for insects drawn through the night to collect Ochroma blossom pollen.(一只螳螂正伏在高处,机警的等待着那些在夜空里飞来飞去以收集巴尔沙树花粉的昆虫。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


