

2022-05-03 来源:欧得旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、This method helps to liquify mucus the same as standing in a hot shower would help phlegm to become more liquid.(这种方法有助于液化黏痰,跟站在热水喷头下有助于使痰变得更具流动性是一样的。)

2、Dried nasal mucus - evening recreation on the drive home from the beach.(鼻屎——晚上开车回家。)

3、"There isn't any significant nutritional content in nasal mucus," says Andrade.(“鼻涕中没有任何重要的营养含量”,安德拉德说。)

4、Chicken soup also contains cold-fighting compounds that help dissolve mucus in the lungs and suppress inflammation.(鸡汤还含有抗感冒的成分,可以帮助溶解肺部粘液并抑制炎症。)

5、Healthy sinuses are lined with a thin layer of mucus that traps dust, germs, and other particles in the air.(健康的鼻窦里排列着一层薄薄的鼻涕,这些鼻涕能够吸附灰尘,细菌以及其他空气中的微粒。)

6、the mucus may be yellow, green, or even have blood in it.(痰液可能是黄的,绿的或甚至里面带血。)

7、Some people think it only causes more mucus.(一些人认为喝牛奶只会导致更多黏液。)

8、One sneeze can put as many as 40,000 droplets of saliva and mucus into the air.(一个喷嚏可以将多达40000滴唾液和黏液喷到空气中。)

9、The disease, which is inherited, causes thick, sticky mucus to build up inside the lungs and digestive tract.(这种病是遗传性的,在肺以及消化系统引发浓厚的粘液。)

10、With viral bronchitis, small amounts of white mucus are often coughed up.(病毒性急性支气管炎,通常咳出少量白色粘液痰。)

11、If mucus plugs became very watery, your phlegm would sometimes float upward unaided where it can be spit out.(如果堵塞住的黏液变稀,你的痰有时会自主向上朝着可以吐出来的方向浮动。)

12、Before using the three methods below of liquefying mucus, PLEASE EVALUATE the extent of your congestion.(在使用以下三种方法溶化黏液之前,请评估你的堵塞程度。)

13、It uses so much energy producing the slimy mucus and crawling over it that a mouse traveling the same distance uses only one twelfth as much energy.(它产生粘稠的黏液并在黏液上爬行消耗了大量的能量,而一只移动同样距离的老鼠只消耗了十二分之一的能量。)

14、Be there any blood or mucus in your stool?(你的大便里有血或粘液吗?)

15、Consuming more water or juice will help thin out mucus and encourage drainage.(消费更多的水或者果汁能稀释鼻涕以及增加流涕。)

16、Dried phlem and mucus become like marbles in the lungs - hardened phlegm.(干燥的痰和黏液在肺部变得像大理石一样——硬化了。)

17、Honey can be also used as a gargling liquid to get rid of the mucus stuck in your throat.(也可用蜂蜜作为漱口液,以消除咽喉中的粘液。)

18、How can you cause mucus to flow upward and out of your lungs?(怎样才能引起黏液向上流动,离开肺部呢?)

19、Some of these, such as the glandular mucus of snails, were difficult to obtain and outrageously expensive.(其中的一些,如蜗牛的腺粘液,很难获得,而且极其昂贵。)

20、They have equipment that produces a magical fog designed to liquify your mucus glue and plugs.(他们的设备可以产生一种神奇的雾气,用来溶化胶水般的黏液和堵塞物。)

21、B. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus.(牛奶会导致肌体产生痰液,特别是胃肠道癌症,痰液是他们的饲料,不吃牛奶改吃无糖豆浆,癌细胞就会饿死不再成长。)

22、More than half of the participants got the virus on their fingertips 48 hours after the mucus was smeared.(结果48小时后,超过半数的人指尖沾染了病毒。)

23、This mucus often changes from white to green or yellow.(这种粘液痰经常从白色变为绿色或黄色。)

24、It also excretes mucus, which protects the lining from the acid.(它还能分泌出粘液,保护胃粘膜本身。)

25、When that happens, the walls of the airways thicken and produce more mucus than usual, which clogs them up.(当这个发生时,气管壁加厚,产生比平时更多的粘液,将之阻塞。)

26、This remedy works best on coughs that produce mucus and isn't suitable for dry coughs.(这种疗法对产生粘液的咳嗽效果最好,不适合干咳。)

27、In the nose, cilia help to drain mucus from the nasal cavity down to the throat.(比方说鼻子,纤毛可以帮助粘液从鼻腔流到喉咙。)

28、The appearance of sputum also showed the process from watery frothy sputum to mucus sputum to mucopuraleat sputum.(痰液的出现也显示了从含水泡沫状痰液到粘液痰液到粘膜粘液痰液的过程。)

29、The cells at the top of the pits produce mucus, which protects the stomach lining against gastric acid.(胃小凹顶部的细胞则产生胃黏液,通过胃膜的保护使胃不受胃酸的伤害。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


