

2022-05-03 来源:欧得旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、I tried to get my message across in my pidgin Italian.(我尝试用我的洋泾浜意大利语表达出我的意思。)

2、Best of all, pidgin is absolutely free!(最重要的是,洋泾浜是完全免费的!)

3、This proto-Chinglish term "pidgin" originated as a Chinese mispronunciation of the English word "business".(作为中国式英语的原型,“洋泾浜英语”这个术语来源于英语中“生意”一词的中国式错发音。)

4、This is not his pidgin.(这不是他的事。)

5、This new release updates pidgin to the latest version.(这个新的版本更新到最新版本的洋泾浜。)

6、For the sake of this post, to imitate two people chatting, I used two different im clients - Windows Live Messenger and pidgin.(为了写这篇文章,模拟两个人聊天,我使用了两个不同的IM客户端-WindowsLiveMessenger和pidgin。)

7、Prof Kirkpatrick also provides this sample of Nigerian pidgin English: "Monkey DE work, baboon dey chop" (Monkeys work, baboons eat).(科克·帕里克教授还提供了一个尼日利亚混杂英语的例子:“Monkeydework,baboondeychop”(猴子工作,狒狒吃东西)。)

8、At the time, American Sign Language (ASL) was thought to be no more than a from of pidgin English.(那时美国的手语仅仅被视作混杂英语的一种形式。)

9、In no time, pidgin will have you IMing all of your online PALS at once.(在任何时候,洋泾浜将有你簿线上的所有朋友在一次。)

10、then, my friend, pidgin is for you.(然后,我的朋友,洋泾浜是为你。)

11、A language, especially a pidgin, used by speakers of different native languages for communication in commercial trade.(在商业贸易中,为了交流由说不同母语的人所使用的一种语言,尤指混杂语。)

12、He's at ease speaking pidgin with the factory workers and guys on the docks.(他能轻松自如地用洋泾浜语言和工厂工人及码头工人交谈。)

13、pidgin also supports plugins, for additional functionality.(pidgin还支持插件,方便添加额外功能。)

14、And pidgin doesn't even make you import your Buddy List.(和洋泾浜甚至没有让您汇入您的好友列表。)

15、A pidgin is a language variety created for the purpose of communicating with some other language groups.(洋泾浜语是一种为了与其他语言集团进行交流而产生的语言变体。)

16、Language: English is the official language, but Melanesian pidgin is much more widely used. There are approximately 120 native languages.(语言:英语为官方语言,广泛使用美拉尼西亚皮金语,大约有120种方言。)

17、pidgin (gaim) is a multi-protocol instant messaging client, with support for.(pidgin(gaim)是一款多协议即时通讯软件,支持。)

18、You can download the pidgin Software free from their Web site.(您也可以下载洋泾浜软体免费从他们的网站。)

19、Now in China, a new pidgin English has appeared.(今天的中国,又出现了一种新洋泾滨英语。)

20、The restaurant owner could only speak pidgin English.(餐馆老板只会讲洋泾浜英语。)

21、It doesn't matter which messenger client you're using - pidgin, Kopete, KMess and AMSN will all occasionally refuse to connect to the server.(这跟你用的messenger客户端没有关系——pidgin,Kopete,KMess和AMSN有时都会连不上服务器。)

22、This example USES the popular pidgin universal chat client.(本示例使用了受欢迎的pidgin通用聊天客户端。)

23、In pidgin English, he is the namowen ( number one ) on the port.(用句“洋泾浜”英语来说,他是这个港口的那摩温。)

24、pidgin 2.7.6 also comes with support for MSNP16, including Multiple Points of Presence (MPOP) which allowsmultiple simultaneous sign-ins for MSN.(pidgin2.7.6还带来了对MSNP16的支持,包括允许MSN多用户同时登录的多点登录(MPOP)特性。)

25、What is vernacular? pidgin? Creole?(什么是本地话、洋泾浜、混合语?)

26、And this pidgin was not a language.(而实际上混杂语言并不是一种语言。)

27、The pidgin client supports all the major chat protocols and can be used with many of the available chat networks (even simultaneously).(pidgin客户端支持所有主要的聊天协议,并可以与许多现有的聊天网络一起使用(甚至是同步进行)。)

28、In order to communicate with each other residents adopted a pidgin version of Chinook, in the process nearly wiping out their indigenous languages.(居民们为了彼此交流,接受了这种洋泾浜化的切努克语。语言融合的过程中,他们原来的不同语言几乎完全被清除了。)

29、His first language is English and he can speak Mandarin, Shanghainese, Hawaiian pidgin English, and Cantonese.(他的第一语言是英语而且他可以说国语,上海话,夏威夷本土英语和广东话。)

30、The teens immediately took to writing their text messages and e-mails in pidgin Swedish.(青少年们立马又转向用洋泾浜的瑞典语写手机短信和电子邮件。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


