
from to造句

2022-05-03 来源:欧得旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【from to造句】内容,供您参考。

1、Ascender offers two font engines for developers to select from to display type on screen.(Ascender公司为开发者提供2种屏幕字体引擎选择。)

2、In any case, you are in a position to determine and select a base to operate from to accomplish your purposes.(无论如何,你都处于对采取行动实现目标的权力基础作出选择和决定的状态中。)

3、Courses range from cooking to computing.(课程从烹饪到计算机应用都有。)

4、Lucia Quispe, a 38-year-old mother of three, wonders where the water will come from to irrigate her plot of land, where she grows potatoes, maize and beans.(38岁的卢西亚·奎斯佩(LuciaQuispe)是三个孩子的母亲,她想知道将来去哪里找水灌溉她那片田,田里种着土豆、玉米和豆子。)

5、These skills used to be handed down from father to son.(这些技术以往都是父子相传。)

6、Many of the items that we use each day are technically recyclable, from the aluminum cans we drink soda from to the very computer screen on which you read these words.(从喝苏打水的铝罐子到你看到这些文字的电脑显示屏,我们每天使用的东西大多从工艺上是可以回收的。)

7、We only work from Monday to Friday.(我们仅从星期一工作到星期五。)

8、However, I would also like to remind you that you should verify what you reports and sources they come from to avoid misleading the talks and resulting in misunderstandings.(同时我也想提醒大家,在今后的报道中,能尽量对消息加以证实,以免对会谈产成一些不必要的误导,使有关方面产生误解。)

9、Thousands were forced to migrate from rural to urban areas in search of work.(成千上万的人为了寻找工作被迫从农村涌进城市。)

10、Switching over to use the task is as easy as flipping from to and providing the same command-line parameters as attributes to the task tag, as shown in Listing 3-2.(切换到使用任务,只要简单地把改成,然后把命令行参数套用为同名的属性,如代码段3-2所示。)

11、Did it take a severe accident I still haven't fully recovered from to get where I am now?(是不是需要一个让我至今还不能完全恢复的事故才能让我知道自己身在何处?)

12、We worked from sunup to sunset.(我们从日出工作到日落。)

13、The rotqby instruction, "rotate (left) quadword by bytes," USES the address you loaded from to indicate how far to rotate the register.(rotqby指令(代表的是“rotate(left)quadwordbybytes”)使用加载自的地址以指示寄存器的旋转程度。)

14、What we really need at a policy level is to decide where the money will come from to help support good quality local green spaces.(在政策层面上,我们真正需要的是决定资金的来源,以帮助支持高质量的地方绿地建设。)

15、Being a part of YC really helped connect us to to the network we needed to recruit from to get ideas from.(参加YC,确实让我们接触到了,很多我们需要的人力资源,得到了很多的点子。)

16、It provides numerous visual effects and behaviors that you can pick from to add interactivity to your Web application.(它提供了许多视觉效果和行为,帮助开发人员在Web应用程序中添加交互功能。)

17、It's a knowing that wherever the money came from to begin with, it will keep on coming, because you can keep on creating it.(你也应认识到,因为你不断的创造,财富才会源源不断的从它该来的地方来到。)

18、The behavior of runstats is such that it will use the data on the partition that it is run from to extrapolate the number of rows in the table.(runstats的行为使其将使用运行它的分区上的数据来推测该表中的行数。)

19、profits have dived from $7.7m to $7.1m.(利润从770万美元骤跌至710万美元。)

20、We crossed from Dover to Calais.(我们从多佛尔横渡到加来。)

21、You could have said, "The time for an apple to fall is proportional to the height that it falls from to a power alpha."(我说“苹果坠落的,时间正比于,与其所在,高度的α次方)

22、Parents are bombarded with recommendations, from what plastics children should stay away from to what foods they should eat to how much television or video game time is appropriate.(父母们都在抨击这样的建议:从塑料儿童应该远离什么到他们应该吃什么食物或是他们玩多长时间的电视或视频游戏才算合理。)

23、The lights changed from red to green.(交通灯已由红变绿。)

24、When you're finished selecting the PHP files, choose the location of the archive file from to archive file, then click finish to create the file.(在选择了这些PHP文件后,可以从Toarchivefile选择此归档文件的位置,然后单击Finish创建此文件。)

25、Some consider that it is quite different to adapt to each for a more harmonious relationship from to attempt to change each other.(为了使两人关系更加和谐而互相适应,这与企图改变对方,两者之间有很大的不同。)

26、He converted from Christianity to Islam.(他由基督教改信伊斯兰教。)

27、The colours changed from green to amethyst.(这些颜色从绿色变成了淡紫色。)

28、Recoverable errors - Recoverable errors are the errors that client programs can recover from to take appropriate alternate execution paths.(可恢复性错误——可恢复性错误是指那些可通过恰当的可选执行路径来恢复用户程序的错误。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


