造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Ordered, organized Capricorn neither understands nor approves of Leo's exuberant impulsiveness.(懂安排善组织的摩羯对于狮子的冲动是既不理解也不赞成。)
2、The woman who just a few days before had been so happy and exuberant about this trip to Texas was in deep shock.(这位几天前一直为得克萨斯州之行感到高兴和兴奋的女人深受打击。)
3、The children could not have been any more exuberant at the birthday party.(孩子们在生日聚会上真是无比开心。)
4、Mixing vintage styles with her current cultural obsessions, she effortlessly makes hip and exuberant original clothes.(她在古典风格中融入对当今文化的痴迷,轻松地设计出时髦而富有浓郁原创韵味的服装。)
5、Or perhaps to redirect their impressionable minds from Lu Xun's moody introspection towards a more exuberant self-confidence.(或者是为了将少年人由鲁迅悲观的反省引向更有朝气与活力的自信。)
6、A little more modern, yes, but nothing to write such exuberant words about.(有一点更现代的,是的,但没有写这种旺盛的说话。)
7、All those mother trees in the garden are exuberant.(果园里的那些母树都长得十分茂盛。)
8、She gave an exuberant performance.(她的表演热情洋溢。)
9、That is why in this literature we find such poignant, such exuberant, such unbridled expression.(这就是我们为何能在这种文学中找到那么强烈、那么充沛、那么奔放的情感表现之所在。)
10、Where else in America do you have exuberant dance music played at a funeral?(在美国其他地方,你是否也曾听到过欣欣向荣的舞蹈音乐在葬礼上演奏?)
11、And she was just a bubbly, exuberant young woman.(她只是一个泡沫,旺盛的年轻女子。)
12、After nearly a decade of exuberant growth, residential real estate prices are clearly starting to cool.(在经过10年的非凡增长之后,住宅不动产价格明显开始降温。)
13、So the exuberant young girl with dark hair and blue eyes decided to become a screen actress.(因此,这个充满活力的年轻黑发碧眼女孩决定成为一名荧屏演员。)
14、I will use the exuberant energy.(我将用旺盛的精力。)
15、This place is full of exuberant bronze resource.(这个地方有着丰富的铜矿资源。)
16、At the dolphin show, he was electrified by the energy and exuberant friendliness of the beautiful animals.(在海豚表演秀上,他被这些美丽动物的热情洋溢的亲切和活力所震撼。)
17、It was special, light and exuberant although many of your hearts were in process.(它是特别的,光和繁荣在你们中的许多人心中进步。)
18、So why did financial markets remain exuberant for so long?(但是为什么长时间来金融市场依然火爆?)
19、Then again, there is a certain heroic beauty in the exuberant destruction of both capital and hope entailed by the entrepreneurs' activities.(那么再一次,一种特殊的英雄式的美存在于资本和希望的双双破灭之中,二者是资本家活动特别必要的。)
20、Mindful people are happier, more exuberant, more empathetic, and more secure.(正念的人更幸福、更愉悦、更善解人意、更无忧无虑。)
21、The exuberant rebel militias that have arrived in Tripoli are making a lot of people nervous.(那些叛军的民兵兴高采烈地抵达了的黎波里,这让许多人感到紧张。)
22、In an interview after the ceremony Mr. Murakami, his bushy hair tied in a knot, seemed exuberant.(在仪式结束后村上隆接受采访,他的头发在脑后盘了一个辫,看起来很精神。)
23、Look to castle peak, BeiYi bamboo, green water, pines and bamboo this ordinary farmhouse set off exuberant.(放眼青山,背依翠竹,绿水、苍松和翠竹把这栋普通农舍映衬得生气盎然。)
24、Nothing ever succeeds which exuberant spirits have not helped to produce.(没有非凡的精神相助,一切都不会成功。)
25、For years the streets of Tehran have been filled with young men making exuberant experiments with quiffs and stiffly gelled manes.(多年来德黑兰街头遍布着用刘海和发胶变花样的的年轻人。)
26、Youth being exuberant and leisure ample, I felt the writing of letters other than business ones to be a delightful necessity.(年轻时我精力充沛而且有充足的闲暇时间。我觉得和写商务信件不同,写这些信是一件令人愉快的事情,也是生活中一种不可或缺的元素。)
27、there are so many exuberant children in the park.(公园里有好多兴高采烈的孩子啊。)
28、They've been firing their guns into the air in exuberant celebration.(他们对空鸣枪进行庆祝。)
29、Julie: They say it’s when you feel exuberant and your self-esteem is up…(朱莉:据说当你觉得高兴,你的自尊心提高……)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。