
用iron out造句子

2022-05-03 来源:欧得旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【iron out造句】内容,供您参考。

1、She tried hard to iron out the wrinkles over her blouse.(她费了很大的力气才把上衣上的皱纹熨平。)

2、I know that we haven't seen eye to eye on all these issues, but I am sure we can work together to iron out the problems.(我知道我们无法在所有的事项上都统一观点,但是我肯定我们一起努力就能解决问题。)

3、He says car engineers still need to iron out kinks with braking, emergency handling and acceleration.(他说,汽车工程师们还需要消除制动,紧急处置和加速方面的缺陷。)

4、The two had set a June deadline, timed to coincide with Sir David’s retirement, to iron out their differences.(这两个组织设定的解决分歧并达成共识的最后期限是今年6月,这正好与戴维爵士的退休时间相吻合。)

5、The directors are trying to iron out the difficulties connected with the new contract.(董事们在设法解决新合同带来的种种困难。)

6、Now, more and more, the successful apps are ones that actually improve your life or iron out real-life wrinkles.(现在越来越多成功的app是能真正改善你的生活或者消除生活中不便之处的。)

7、The Finance Committee tried to iron out the bumps and delayed Mr Geithner’s hearing until January 21st.(金融委员会尝试为其解难,将盖特纳的听证推迟至1月21日。)

8、Warner Bros. executives, including CEO Barry Meyer and COO Alan Horn, will iron out a possible price Friday with Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes.(华纳兄弟首席执行官巴里·梅耶尔和首席运营官艾伦·霍恩等高管将于当地时间19日与时代华纳首席执行官杰夫·贝克斯一同商定收购米高梅的价格。)

9、Part of its purpose will be to iron out the kind of differences that have niggled over the past few months.(委员会的部分意图将解决过去几个月一直找岔子的分歧原因。)

10、She patted the front of her dress as if to iron out any wrinkles.(她轻拍裙子的前摆,好似要熨平皱折似的。)

11、Mr Trichet has striven to build consensus on the rate-setting council, sometimes calling up members to iron out problems.(特里谢在利率制定会议上努力建立共识,有时会召集成员解决问题。)

12、Officials in charge of the project are working to improve the quality of robot teaching and iron out glitches before any decision to expand their use.(负责这一项目的官员们正努力改进机器人的教学质量,并在决定推广使用前解决一些小问题。)

13、BGood. We can hold more talks later on to iron out the details.(很好。稍后我们再谈谈,解决一些细节问题。)

14、He offered to iron out the wrinkles in her dress.(他提出,要替她熨平衣服上的褶皱。)

15、Throughout the crisis central banks have sought to iron out these kinks.(在这次危机的整个过程中,央行曾寻求消除这些缺陷。)

16、NPR Scott Horsley reports there are still details to iron out.(NPR记者斯科特·霍斯利带来报道,计划仍有些细节需要敲定。)

17、I shall have to iron out the creases in this dress.(我得把这件连衣裙上的皱痕熨平。)

18、We need to iron out the kinks in the new system.(我们需要理顺新制度中的一些问题。)

19、However, in the past few weeks the two groups have managed to iron out most of the remaining problems, according to a person close to the matter.(不过,据知情人士表示,过去几周这两家公司已成功解决了大多数遗留问题。)

20、Server points to the script or executable to run, while log_type specifies additional logging to help iron out any wrinkles in the service.(server指向要运行的脚本或可执行程序,log_type指定更高的日志记录级别,这有助于解决服务中的任何问题。)

21、Election workers like it because the system allows them to test election procedures, affording them time to iron out flaws.(选站工作者也喜欢先期选举制,这让他们可以对投票过程进行测试,有更多的时间弥补缺陷。)

22、i always iron out the folds in new sheets, so that they are more comfortable to sleep in.(我总是把新床单的褶子熨平,这样躺上去就更舒服了。)

23、I think we can iron out any differences in the meeting.(我认为我们能够在会上消除所有分歧。)

24、It took a long time to iron out all the creases in this dress.(烫平这件衣服上的皱痕花了很长时间。)

25、Could you iron out the wrinkles in my dress?(请帮我熨平连衣裙上的褶皱好吗?)

26、The Geronimo developers took as much time as needed to iron out these details in their negotiations with IBM for the sale of Gluecode.(Geronimo开发人员在与IBM关于销售Gluecode的谈判中花费了许多的时间,才解决了这些细节方面的问题。)

27、You could also use this time to iron out peace agreements with competitors and enemies.(你也可以利用这段时间来打通与竞争对手和敌人的和平协定。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


