Dear tourists
Hello everyone! Welcome to Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Spot forsightseeing!
Dear tourists, what we are seeing now is the world-famous millennium oldBuddha - Leshan Giant Buddha. It is located in qiluan peak at the east foot ofEmei Mountain in Leshan City, Sichuan Province, China. It is the largest stoneMaitreya Buddha in the world. It was built in the Tang Dynasty and has a historyof 1200 years.
Leshan Giant Buddha is 71 meters high. Its shoulders are 24 meters wide.Its head is 10 meters in diameter. Its ears are 7 meters long. Its mouth isgood. Its eyes are 3.3 meters long. Its eyebrows and nose are 5.6 meters long.Its neck is 3 meters high. Its finger is 8.3 meters long. It can stand more than100 people with one hand. It is 28 meters from knee to instep. Its feet are 8.5meters wide. There are 1021 hair buns on its head. Leshan Giant Buddha ismagnificent, people describe it as: mountain is a Buddha, Buddha is amountain.
Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you about the three manifestation ofLeshan Giant Buddha!
In 1962, during the three years of natural disasters, countless peopledied. The river at the foot of Leshan Giant Buddha was flooded with starvingpeople. The Giant Buddha could not bear to witness the human tragedy and closedhis eyes in pain. In 1976, the leaders of Mao, Zhu, and Zhou died. The Tangshanearthquake killed and injured 100000 people. The Buddha complained aboutinjustice and showed anger. In 20__, China's accession to the WTO and itssuccessful bid for the Olympic Games were accompanied by many happy events, andthe Buddha's head was shining with auspicious light.
Leshan Giant Buddha is a great miracle in China.