

2020-09-09 来源:欧得旅游网


【期刊名称】《医学信息》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)014

【摘 要】随着军队编制体制调整后,军队医院护理队伍中聘用护士越来越多,军队护理队伍由军人干部护士、聘用护士、非现役文职护士及士官护士等成份组成,形成了多元化结构的护理队伍。据调查显示,聘用护士占军队医院护士总数的72.63%[1],已成为军队医院护理队伍的主要中坚力量。护理工作是军队卫勤保障的重要组成部分,护理队伍素质及护理工作质量的高低,直接关系到伤病员的健康和部队战斗力的提高,影响我军卫勤保障水平。所以重视聘用护士的心理健康水平对我提高军的卫勤保障水平也是至关重要的因素。但目前对军队医院聘用护士工作压力反应、压力源状况及社会心理影响因素的研究还属空白。本文旨在初步浅谈聘用护士压力源分析及相关对策,希望能为聘用护士心理健康提供支持。%Along with the military system of adjustment, the nursing staf in military hospital nurses employed more and more military nursing team, composed of military cadres nurses, nurses, non active civilian nurses and nurse sergeants and other ingredients, formed a diversified structure of the nursing team. According to the survey, the employed nurses accounted for 72.63%of [1] nurses in military hospitals, has become the main force of nursing staff in military hospital. Nursing work is an important part of the military health service, quality of nurses and nursing quality, directly related to the health and the combat ef ectiveness of troops wounded

raise, influence of medical service level of our army. So pay at ention to the psychological health level of nurses for me to improve the factors of army medical support level is crucial. But at present the employed nurses in the military hospitals work pressure, the state of source of stress and social psychological factors of blank. This paper aims to discuss the employed nurse pressure source analysis and countermeasures, hoping to provide support for the mental health of employed nurses. 【总页数】1页(P101-101) 【作 者】王幼红

【作者单位】沈阳军区总医院第一干部病房,辽宁 沈阳 110840 【正文语种】中 文 【相关文献】

1.军队医院聘用护士孕期心理压力分析及干预措施 [J], 李会芳;徐福 2.军队医院聘用护士心理状况及社会支持现状的分析 [J], 张伟红;刘立志 3.精神病专科医院聘用护士心理压力分析及应对策略 [J], 陈慧;邵志梅 4.军队医院聘用护士心理状况与社会支持的相关性调查分析 [J], 伍晓凡;刘立志 5.军队医院开展优质护理服务中护士心理压力分析与对策 [J], 朱尼亚;刘晴;唐春;兰玮

