



Case4: Posterior fossa subdural hematoma in neonate

This newborn female was born at a gestational age of 40 weeks, weighing 3780, to a gravida 2 para 1 mother. Forceps were applied to the fetal head for failure to progress. Apgar scores were 6 and 9. within the 1st day of life, the baby was observed to be listless and lethargic and to have a poor suck. The anterior fontanelle was tense. Seizures developed. Endotracheal intubation and ventilation were required for bradycardia and apneic episodes. The hemogram was normal. A lumbar puncture was performed to rule out central nervous system sepsis, and bloody cerebrospinal fluid was obtained. CT was then performed, and a large PFSDH was observed in addition to moderate ventriculomegaly. A neurosurgical consultation was obtained. The neonate was quadriplegic on a ventilator, making only the occasional respiratory effort.

The neonate was taken urgently to surgery, and a posterior fossa craniectomy was performed. The clot could be removed from the posterior fossa subdural space. The bleeding sites were identified and successfully coagulated. The infant did not require an external ventricular drain nor did she go on to develop progressive hydrocephalus. She began to breathe readily after the posterior fossa decompression and clot evacuationn. She was weaned from the ventilator within 4 days. Subsequent CT showed minimal left cerebellar parenchyma involvement with calcification and volume loss. The ventriculomegaly had resolved completely. At 4 years of aged, the cild walked and talked normally. A right esotropia remained that had persisted since surgery.






Case 5

Astrocytoma of frontal lobe

The patient was a 48-year-old male who presented with complaints of increasingly severe headaches. Workup at another hospital revealed a lucent left frontal lesion. The biopsy diagnosis was gradeⅢ astrocytoma. He was referred to our hopsital after external radiation therapy was delivered. Neurological exam revealed mild bradykinesia, but was otherwise unremarkable. He was admitted and underwent a left frontal lobectomy, with gross total tumor resection. One month later he underwent stereotactic implantation of brachytherapy catheters. He received 6000 rads to the margin of the tumor cavity. Subsequent scans revealed

progressively worsening enhancement, edema, and shift around the tumor cavity. Reoperation was undertaken with resection of all grossly abnormal tissue. Pathologic analysis revealed radiation necrosis and tumor. The patient is alive 5 years later, with no evidence of disease progression.





Case 6

Glioblastoma multiforme of frontal lobe

A healthy 9-year- old woman presented with a 3-month history of dysphasia. Computed tomography demonstrated a ringenhancing lesion in the right frontal lobe. She was not immunosuppessed or on steroids. The rim was T2 hypointense and T1 hyperintense. There was a small amount of surrounding edema. Brain abscess was considered in the differential diagnosis, but a tumor was believed more likely, because:⑴ there wase an eccentric area of capsular thickening, ⑵ edema was minimal, and ⑶the clinical caurse was long. At operation, glioblastoma multiforme was encountered. Substances with unpaired electrons exhibit an unusual combination of increased T1signal and decreased T2 signal termed paramagnetism. Methemoglobin, melanin, and gadolinium are familiar paramagnetic substances. In an abscess capsule, paramagnetic changes occur because macrophages release free-radicals that contain unpaired electorns. Although uncommon, clinicians should be aware that paramagnetic rim signal may also be observed in metastasis, primary brain tumors, granulomas like tuberculosis, and in large demyelinating plaques.




一6岁女孩有3个月的言语困难病史,CT检查显示在右侧额叶有一环形增强的损害,她没有免疫抑制也没有应用过类固醇,此损害的边缘在MRI T2像为低信号,T1像为高信号,周围有轻微水肿,此病灶可能为肿瘤,但应除外脑脓肿,考虑肿瘤是因为





Case 7: glioblastoma multiforme located near motor cortex


Patient A.L is a 23-year-old right handed man from Hebei who works as a painter and has had nocturnal seizures for approximately two years. In January the seizures increase in frequency and began to occur during the day. They are associated with turning of the head and shoulders to the right prior to generalization. The patient is confused and fatigued afterwards, but does not have a neurologic deficit. A scan was done in February and this demonstrates an area of nonenhancement in the posterior portion of the superior frontal convolution, with a



small contrast enhancing area in the center of the lesion. The latter approximately 3 mm, the former measures approximately 3.5 cm. The scan was repeated recently and it appeared that the lesion had grown slightly. Stereotactic biopsy was recommended. The patient in fact was scheduled for a biopsy in Hebei but they decided to seek another opinion. The patient is presently on Dilantin 100 mg three times per day. Past medical history is noncontributory. Family history and social history are not significant.

Physical Examination

The patient is a well nourished, well developed, thin, pleasant male who appears intellectually intact. Recent memory is intact, general information is good. Cranial nerve examination dalities. Motor examination reveals no drift to distraction, and good strength in upper and lower extremities. There may be some weakness of the wrist extensors on the right, however. Deep tendon reflexes are symmetrical, the patient walks with a normal gait with a normal arm swing.

Radiographic studies

MRI scan shows an approximately 3.5 cm well-demarcated lesion in the posterior aspect of the left superior frontal convolution.


Probable low/intermediate grade glioma, possibly ganglioglioma or ganglio-neurocytoma. If the lesion is anterior to the motor cortex, resection is recommended. If the lesion is within the motor cortex, a biopsy is recommended.



Hospital course

The patient underwent magnetoencephalography(MEG) to map his primary motor cortex and define its relationship to the tumor. This confirmed the clinical and radiographic impression that the tumor was anterior to the motor strip.

A stereotactic volumetric resection of the lesion was then performed. The volume of the tumor, based on the contrast-enhancing portions on both CT and MRI, as well as from the area of abnormality on T2-weighted MRI, was digitized for computer targeting. A view of the cortical surface after the trephine craniotomy was performed. A strip electrode placed onto the cortical surface in a direction posterion to the edge of the trephine confirmed the location of sensorimotor cortex by phase reveral.

The tumor volume can be superimposed onto the field of view of the operating microscope, to assist the surgeon in defining the margins of the tumor. The lesion was dissected away from the surrounding brain tissue at its inerface and was removed as a single specimen.

The patient’s neurologic function postoperatively was unchanged from his preoperative status.

Pathologic report

The tumor was signed out as glioblastoma multiforme arising as a small focus within a lowgrade astrocytoma. The malignant portion apparently was the contrast-enhancing portion on the preoperative scans. The patient is scheduled to begin external beam radiotherapy



followed by chemotherapy.

Case 7


一位来自湖北的右利患者,职业是画家,自诉近两年有夜间癫痫症状。今年一月,癫痫的发病次数增加,并且在白天也时有发生,且常随着转头转肩而发生,每次癫痫发病后,病人意识模糊,但没有神经系统功能缺陷。二月,CT扫描显示额上回后部有一个未增强区域,并且在这个损伤中心有 一个小的对比增强的区域,后者约3mm,前者约3.5cm,最近复查CT,显示病灶有轻度增大,我们建议病人行立体定向活检,事实上在湖北,病人已经被安排做活检,但后来他们决定寻找其他方法,患者现在在应用苯妥英那,每日三次,每次100mg。既往病史,家族史,社交史对此次诊断无特殊帮助。









Case 12:olfactory groove meningioma

A 59-year-old women presented with a 2-year history of progressive dementia. Clinical examination disclosed bilateral anosmia and a concentric contraction of the left visual field with visual acuity reduced 20%. Plain radiographs showed erosion of the cribriform plate, and CT scans demonstrated a large mass lesion suspicious for meningioma. The angiogram showed elevation of the anterior cerebral arteries and pathological staining of the tumor vessels supplied via the ophthalmic arteries. The tumor was appproached through a bifrontal craniotomy and exposed by gentle retraction of the frontal lobes. Piecemeal removal of the highly vascular tumor was accoplished by bipolar coagulation and resection. Both anterior cerebral arteries, the optic nerves, and the optic chiasm were microsurgically freed of tumor. After removal of the dura bordering on the tumor, the thickened crista galli and cribriform plate were removed with the diamond burr. The small skull base defect was closed in two layers with a dural graft and a galeal pericranial flap. The postoperative course was uncomplicated, and Ct scans confirmed total tumor removal. One year later, the patient was clinically asymptomatic and recurrence-free.

Case 12





Case 42

Trigeminal neurinoma

This 48-year-old woman was hospitalized in March, 1985, for assessment of disturbance. Neurological examination revealed decreased corneal sensation on the right ride and an awkward tandem gait. A CT scan showed an expanding lesion in the right cerebellopontine angle with a slight supratentorial extension. An enlarged Bernasconis artery was visible on the right carotid angiogram. Vertebral angiography showed elevation of the first segment of the posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar arteries on the right side. Surgery was performed via a transpetrosal transtentorial approach in April, 1985, and the tumor was totally removed. The tumor originated from the root of the right trigeminal nerve and was well encapsulated. The pathological diagnosis was a schwannoma without any sign of malignancy. Postoperatively, there was anesthesia on the right side of face without any trophic corneal disorder. Slight right abducens nerve palsy was also noted. At the patient 2-year follow-up examination, the only sequelae still remaining were fifth nerve dificits.





Hemifacial spasm caused by a venous angioma

This 53-year-old woman, who had suffered for more than 2 years from muscle twitching on the left side of her face, was admitted to the neurosurgical ward in September 1995. Her symptom initially was confined to the orbicularis oculi muscle; however, 6 months after it appeared, it had spread to involve other muscles innervated by the facial nerve. Magnetic resonance imaging performed after gadolinium injection showed a caput medusae-like enhancement in the left cerebellar hemisphere. In the same area cerebral angiography demonstrated a characteristic venous angioma with drainage into the sigmoid sinus.

Operation. A left retromastoid craniectomy was performed. The offending vessed was identified as the distal portion of the parenchymal segment of the angioma. It was located between the facial and auditory nerves. To avoid the possibility of venous infarcton, the vein was carefully dissected away from the exit zone of the facial nerve. Small pieces of shredded Teflon were placed between the nerve and the vessel.

Postoperative course. The patients spasm completely disappeared 1week after surgery



without any neurological deficit.




Case81 Traumatic atlanto-occipital dislocation

A 12-year-old boy was struck by a car while riding his bicycle and was thrown over the hood of the car. He landed 20-25 feet away from the rear of the vehicle. At the scene of the accident, the patient was combative and confused but was able to move and speak purposefully. His radial pulses were palpable and his airway was clear. After initial resuscitation and immobilization efforts, he was transferred to the hospital. Upon arrival at the Emergency Department, the patient had stable vital signs and Glasgow Coma Scale score of 12. his pupils were equal and reactive. He was still combative and confused but responded to some questions appropriately. Physical examination revealed a deep scalp laceration in the left occipito-parietal region, a forehead hematoma, and a swollen, deformed, and tender left ankle. He hand marked weakness of the right upper and lower extremities and a positive babinskis sign on the right side. The chest and abdomen were assessed as normal. Because of the head iniury, tracheal intubation was performed immediately to secure the airway. A lateral radiograph of the cervical



spine revealed an atlanto-occipital dislocation without any anterior or posterior displacement. Among other radiographic studies obtained, only those of the left ankle were significant, demonstrating a fracture of the tibial epiphysis. After a diagnostic peritoneal lavage, which was grossly negative for intraabdominal bleeding, MRI studies of the head and neck were obtained. No incracerebral or spinal tissue injury was noted. The left ankle was placed in a cast after the radiologic studies were completed. On the following day, atlanto-occipital fusion was performed with wiring and a bone autograft, and a halo vest was put on the patient. His neurologic condition improved dramatically postoperatively. At 10 days after admission, the patient was transferred to another hospital for rehabilitation with a completely norma mental status and no neurologic deficit other than a slight weakness of the right lower extremity and positive babinskis sigm on that side. On follow-up examination 2 months after the accident, the patient was found to have had a complete neurologic recovery.





Case 53:cerebellopontine angle lipoma

The patient is a 33-year-old man with a 10-year history of decreased hearing in the right ear and a 1-year history of vertigo. A neurological examination demonstrated sensorineural hearing loss in the right ear. An audiogram revealed 8% discrimination in the right ear. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) demonstrated an 8-mm nonenhancing mass at the inferior margin of the right cerebellopontine angle, which was hyperintense on T1-weighted images and hypointense on T2-weighted images. The computed tomographic(CT) scan demonstrated a non-enhancing hypodensity in the same region. Because of intractable vertigo, the patient underwent a right suboccipital craniectomy for a presumptive cerebellopontine angle lipoma. The lipoma was found just below cranial nerves 7 and 8, adherent to the brain stem. Approximately 50% of the lesion was debulked. The patient did well postoperatively without new cranial nerve deficits. He did develop an aseptic meningitis that responded to steroid therapy. Currently, the patient is doing well, is free from vertigo, and has an underlying right hearing deficit.


Case 11

Meningioma of the anterior skull base



A 58-year-old man was diagnosed as having a predominantly intracranial meningioma en plaque of the anterior skull base in the midline area, extending from the tuberculum sellae and planum sphenoidale to the crista galli. The tumor was exposed intradurally through a right frontal craniotomy. The compressed right optic nerve and internal carotid artery were identified and freed from tumor. Then the optic chiasm and left optic nerve, completely encased by tumor, were freed by piecemeal removal of the neoplasm. Residual tumor on the tuberculum sellae and portions of the planum sphenoidale were removed with the diamond burr. The bone defect was closed in two layers with lyophilized dura and a galeal pericranial flap.



CASE 13 lateral sphenoid wing meningioma

A 51-year-old man had previously undergone surgery for a sphenoid wing meningioma of the left skull base. Six years later he complained of a dull headache. CT disclosed an extensive, predominantly lateral sphenoid wing meningioma on the right side with infiltration of the temporal muscle. This was presumed to represent an extracranial extension from a primary intracranial tumor.

Tumor infiltration of the temporal muscle and infratemporal fossa was already evident the



right frontotemporal skin flap was raised. After removal of the extracranial part of the tumor,a frontotemporal craniotomy was performed, exposing the extradural portion of the large intracranial meningioma. Two measures were taken to minimize tension and pressure on the frontal and temporal lobes during further dissection:

1. the lesser sphenoid wing was removed with the diamond burr.

2. the sylvian fissure was opened micro-surgically after incising the dura a safe distance from the area of tumor infiltration.

The tumor was then debulked from its center using an ultrasonic aspirator(CUSA).as the tumor capsule became lax, the branches of the middle cerebral artery could be identified, and dissection of the capsule proceeded along the middle cerebral artery branches to the internal carotid artery. At that point it was possible to remove the tumor completely, including its dural attachment, without danger to neighboring structures. The dura was patched with stored dura, the bony defect was repaired with a methylmethacrylate implant, and the soft tissues were closed in layers. The postoperative course was uncomplicated.







The prevalence and risk factor analysis of silent brain infarction in patients with first-ever ischemic stroke.

BACKGROUND: To evaluate the prevalence and to identify the risk factors of silent brain infarction (SBI) in patients with ischemic stroke.

METHODS: A total of 395 consecutive patients with first-ever ischemic stroke that underwent brain MRI were enrolled in this study. The prevalences of vascular risk factors in a SBI-positive (n=132) and in a SBI-negative group (n=263) were compared. The prevalences and characteristics of SBI were further evaluated with respect to stroke subtype and periventricular white-matter hyperintensity (PWMH) lesion.

RESULTS: The frequency of SBI among the 395 study subjects was 33.4%, and 10.1% of the study subjects had multiple-SBI lesions. The most common lesion site was basal ganglia (47%). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that hypertension (OR: 1.94, 95% CI: 1.22-3.07, P=0.005) and the presence of an advanced PWMH lesion (OR: 1.77, 95% CI: 1.06-2.96, P=0.030) were significantly associated with SBI. Furthermore, an advanced PWMH lesion (OR: 2.88, 95% CI: 1.19-6.95, P=0.010) was more associated with multiple-SBI lesions than with a single-SBI lesion. The frequency of SBI was higher among those with the small-vessel disease type (45.5%) than in those with the large-artery disease (32.5%) or cardioembolic stroke type (25.6%) (P=0.04).



CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of SBI in patients with ischemic stroke was found to be high, and hypertension was found to be the most important risk factor of SBI. Small-vessel disease and a diffuse white-matter lesion were found to be closely associated with SBI, and especially with multiple-SBI lesions.




结果:在395名受试者中,SBI的发生率为33.4%,10.1%的受试者有多处SBI病变,最常见的病变部位在基底核(47%)。多元logistic回归分析显示,高血压(OR: 1.94,95% CI: 1.22-3.07,P=0.005)和一个晚期的脑室周围白质高信号病变的出现(OR: 1.77,95% CI: 1.06-2.96,P=0.030)与SBI明显相关,并且,比起单一的SBI病变,一个晚期的脑室周围白质高信号病变的出现(OR: 2.88,95% CI: 1.19-6.95,P=0.010)与多处SBI病变更加有相关性。与有大动脉疾病(32.5%)或心源性卒中(25.6%)的受试者相比,有小血管疾病的受试者发生SBI的频率更高。(P=0.04)


