Regulations for the Management, Usage and Maintenance
of Machinery and Equipment
Based on the principle for Machinery Management of head office and the spirit of Project Administration, this regulation for the management, usage and maintenance of machinery and equipment is formulated to strengthen the management, meet the construction requirement, improve the frequency and finally maintain the value of those fixed assets.
一、 船机管理 I.
Management for the Machinery
根据本项目部船机管理细则,结合本项目部船机管理实际情况,要求船机管理做好如下细则:Based on this regulation and combine the real situation on site, the following points shall be strictly executed by all the staffs of Equipment Department:
1.1.1)抓好“管、用、养、修”四个环节,指导机务组、拌合站、起重运输班组等,督促管理、操作人员履行管理制度,使设备处于良好状态,提高设备完好率和利用率。Focus on “manage, use, maintain, repair” the four stage. Guide the operator crew, batching plant crew and crane crew to keep the machinery in good condition and improve the availability and usage frequency.
范措施不放过的原则),及时调查分析,提出处理意见和防范措施。Cooperate with other
department to carry out safety training courses. When machinery accident happens, three stage must go through: first is to make clear the accident causes, second is to teach the responsible person and let the staffs learn from the accident, third is to take effective measures to prevent similar accident reoccurrence. All the accident must be investigated, analyzed on time, after that, find out the solutions and countermeasures.
1.1.3)组织“设备星级管理”活动,定期检查评比,表彰先进,树立典型。Organize the activity of “Star-grade Management”. Regularly compare and assess, praise the advanced staff and set up an example for all other members.
1.1.4)负责上报设备封存、报废、更新改造、租赁及维修计划,严格控制维修范围,合理使用修理费用。When the machinery and equipment shall be sealed up, scrapped, renovated, rented or repaired, the plan/schedule must be submitted in advance. The repair scope and reasonable cost for the same shall be limited.
1.1.5)督促前场机械设备管理人员、操作人员的业务学习和技术考核,并对船机部人员的调整、奖惩提出意见和建议。The machinery operators and supervisors shall also learn the skills and involve in the technical assess. They shall give suggestions for the staffs of equipment department regarding the manpower adjustment, praise or punishment.
1.1.6)随时对本部门各环节的工作进行检查、审核,把好价格、验收、发放、使用核算及结算关。Frequently carry out the inspection and checking during the working process of each stage. Carefully execute the works regarding price, checking before acceptance, dispatching, adjust accounts and settle accounts.
1.1.7)推行方针目标管理,并根据有关规章制度制定本部门的考核奖惩办法。Promote the guideline principle management, set up the award/punishment means based on relevant document.
[1.2]严格设备使用责任制(结合本项目实际情况定人、定机管理)Strictly Execute the responsibility system for machinery usage.
1.2.1)设备的使用,应严格贯彻“管用结合,人机合一”的原则,各种设备都应严格实行定人、定机、定安全操作规程等管理制度,做到每台设备均有人管理,每台设备均完好无损。The person who uses the equipment shall be responsible for the good condition of the machine. Who use which machine and how to safely operate it must be fixed and unchanged, so that each machine can be taken good care by the responsible person.
1.2.2)每班作业的机械设备(如砼拌和站、砼罐车、汽车吊、发电机、空压机等)必须建立机长负责制,认真执行交班制度(各班组负责监督)。Each operating crew (batching plant, concrete mixing truck, crane truck, power generator, air compressor) shall be taken in charge by the crew commander. When hand over the equipment to the next shift, the responsible person shall clearly state the situation of the machine and
make relevant records.
1.2.3)工程中的关键设备(即一旦发生故障而停机,将影响工程进度、工程质量、安全生产等)应由设备部分管责任人直接负责,监督其使用、维修、保养、切实保证设备处于完好的状态,以及保证设备运转安全。The key equipment (whose stop might affect the construction progress, working quality and execution safety) will be directly taken care of by the responsible staff of Equipment department. He shall make sure the equipment in good and safe condition whenever it is operating, maintaining or repairing.
[1.3]严格执行设备走合期的规定 Strictly Comply the Regulations in Run-in Period 新设备到场后,应按说明书的规定进行走合期运转,走合期内应注意以下各项After the new equipment delivered to site, it shall operated according to the product specification. During the Run-in period, the following points shall be paid special attention to:
1.3.1)应减载限速使用。Operate it with little load and at low speed. 1.3.2)应经常检查机械各部位运转的情况和工作温度,发现问题应及时排除。Frequently observe the situation of operating parts and check the working temperature. Immediately eliminate the noted problem if any.
1.3.3)应按说明书的规定加注润滑油和使用燃料。Add the lube and fuel according to the product specification.
1.3.4)应经常检查各紧固件,若发现松动,应及时拧紧或更换,走合期后,应按使用说明书的规定,对设备进行一次保养。Frequently check the fastener, once it is loses, fasten it or replace it immediately. After the Run-in period, regularly maintain the equipment/machinery as per the Specification.
[1.4]船机油料的使用选择 Selection of oil for the Equipment
船机设备使用的燃油、润滑油、液压油、刹车油各种油品,必须按照设备使用说明书的规定选用和更换,如需代用时,各种燃油料应符合技术规范,不得随意使用,以免损坏机械设备。The fuel oil, lubricating oil, damping oil, etc. shall be selected as per the requirement in Specification and regularly replaced as needed. The oil shall not be randomly changed so as to avoid harms to the machine. Only the proper fuel can be used.
[1.5]认真填报机械使用记录单 Carefully take relevant records when use the machinery
为便于计算设备的使用费,掌握设备的使用情况,设备的使用人员应认真如实地填报设备使用的记录单(如机械运转日志等)、各类设备的计时器、里程表等计量装置不得随意拆卸。发生故障应由设备管理人员登记后,方能修理和更换。否则,将给有关人员以经济处罚。In order to easily calculate the cost for use and better know the conditions of the machinery, the person who uses the machines shall carefully fill the records form (such as the daily records of machinery operation). The metering device like time meter, odometer shall not be dismantled arbitrarily, only after confirmed by the responsible person of Equipment depart can the devices be repaired and replaced. Otherwise, involved person will be punished.
二、 设备的保养
II. Maintenance of the Equipment
在施工生产间隔或空闲时间,设备管理人员应适时组织船机使用人员对设备进行维修保养、管好、养好闲置设备,使设备经常保持完好状态。At the interval of construction activities or the idling time of the machines, the department responsible person shall organize all the members to check and maintain the machinery/equipment on site, to keep them always in good conditions.
必须贯彻“养用并重”、“预防为主”的方针,严格实行船机设备的日常保养、定期维护和预防性维修制度,对重点设备的关键部位应按规定要求由操作人员进行日常点检和定期点检,并做好详细记录,归入设备的技术档案保存。Implement the principle of “Lay equal stress on using and maintaining” & “Take Precaution to the Priority”. Strictly carry out the daily maintenance, regular maintenance and preventive maintenance. The key parts of key equipment shall be especially checked and observed by the operator, making careful records and put in files.
设备管理部门根据设备使用说明书的要求,结合设备在本项目的实际运行时间(里程)制订设备定期保养计划和年度设备修理计划,并组织人员对设备的技术状况进行定期检查和抽检。Equipment Department will formulate the Regular Maintenance Plan and Annual Repair Plan according to the products specification and the actual situation of using, and will organize the staffs regularly check and casually inspect the performance
of the machines.
实行定人定机,设备由操作人员执行并负责设备的日常保养(日常保养的内容和间隔时间见该设备的使用须知)。未实行定岗作业的设备由项目部的机修组指定专人负责保养。As per the provision of “who use who response”, the operator shall carry out the daily check and maintain for his machine (refer the specification for the maintaining items and time interval). Those machines not uniquely used by one person will be maintained by the appointed staff.
设备的操作(保养)人员应按照《中交船舶、机械设备星级制管理实施办法》的有关规定和要求,并根据设备的《保养手册》和《润滑点图》进行设备的保养,以及填写《设备保养记录表》或在设备的运转日志的相关栏目中记录所进行的保养作业的时间和保养的内容。The operator shall clearly fill the Maintenance Record Table according to relevant requirements in “Measures for the Implementation of Star-Grade Shipping and Machinery of CCCC”. Also the operator shall maintain the machine according to requirements of the “Maintenance Manual” and “Arrangement of Lubricating Points”. The maintenance item, content and time shall be noted in the “Daily Records of Machinery Operation”.
设备部应及时做出各种设备的保养计划,监督或组织保养人员按计划对各船机设备进行定期保养。对在设备部门的定期检查中发现的设备保养不及时;有故障不修理,致使设备带病作业;设备外观差,存在漏气、漏水、漏油等“三漏”现象;不按时填写设备的运转记录等,若因此,而造成设备损坏,则根据相关规定给予相关责任人予以相应处罚。If any damages are caused due to the following situations, punishment will be taken to the involved person: delay in maintaining; Inaction to the breakdown of machine; Outlook is not good with air leak/water leak/oil leak; carelessly treat the records making. the
设备的例行保养工作必须切实抓好,防患于未然,有效提高设备完好率。Make good efforts to the routine maintaining works, prevent the damages in the bug and increase the availability of the equipment.
㈠、工程船舶保养(略,本项目没有船舶设备)A. Shipping Maintenance (omit.) 1、日常保养; 2、航次保养; 3、停航保养。1, daily maintenance; 2, voyage maintenance;
3, stopping maintenance.
㈡、施工机械及修制设备保养 B. Construction Machinery Maintenance
1、例行保养; 2、定期保养; 3、季节保养; 4、停放保养;5、封存保养;6、走合期保养; 7、工地转移前保养。1,Routine maintenance, 2, periodic maintenance; 3,
seasonal maintenance; 4, park maintenance; 5, seal maintenance; 6, grinding-in period maintenance; 7, site maintenance before transfer.
(1)、例行保养:在使用前、工作中和使用后进行的检查、保养,由设备操作人员进行。Routine Maintain: check the machine before, during, after the using by the operator.
(2)、定期保养:划分为三级。一级保养由操作人员执行,二、三级保养由修理工配合进行。Regular Maintain: three grade. First grade by the operator, the second and third will be cooperated by the repairman.
(3)、季节保养:指入夏、入冬前的保养。主要是更换油料,采取防冻或降温措施,可结合定期保养进行。Quarterly Maintain: when climate changes, replace all kinds of the oil. This can be done along with the regular maintenance.
(4)、停放保养:机械临时停放超过一周时间的,每周进行一次检查保养。由设备使用保管人进行。Parking Maintenance: If the machine will park for more than one week, the keeper shall check and maintain the machine every week by.
(5)、封存设备的保养:每月一次,由设备责任人进行。Seal-up Machinery Maintenance: The responsible person shall maintain it every month.
(6)、走合期保养:指走合期间或走合期完毕后的规定保养。由设备使用人进行。Run-in Period Maintenance: the operator shall carry out the maintain in the Run-in period or the required remedy after this period.
(7)、工程完工后保养:由操作人员进行,可酌情派修理工配合。Maintenance after the works completed: the operator along with the repairman will do the check. 三、设备封存和启封
III. The Seal-Up and Unseal of the Machinery
㈠、设备准备长期停用时,应妥善封存:A. If the equipment stops for a long time without using, it shall be properly sealed up.
1、放掉设备的冷取水、燃油、润滑油等。Let out the cooling water, fuel oil and lubricating oil.
2、对设备进行必要的维修和保养,保证设备处于完好的技术状态。Carry out necessary maintenance and remedy, to keep the machine in good conditions.
3、清除设备外表的灰尘和油污,在工作表面涂上防锈油,外部刷防锈漆。Clean the dust and oil spot on external surface. Brush dust-preventing oil on the working surface and brush anticorrosion paint on the external surface. 4、重新加注清洁的润滑油。Re-fill the clean lubricating oil.
设备应存放在通风良好、干燥、清洁、防潮、防晒、防雨、防腐的场所,并罩盖盖好。 The idling equipment shall be covered and kept in dry, clean, ventilating place without so much moisture, sunshine, rainwater and corroded materials.
㈡、设备启封时,应按以下办法处理:B. Comply with the following tips when unseal the equipment.
1、按规定到相关职能部门办理启封手续备案,Make records on relevant department on this regard.
2、对设备进行必要的维修和保养,确保设备处于完好的技术状态方可启用。Carry out necessary maintenance and repair to ensure the equipment is in good condition. 四、前场设备管控制度及要求
IV. System and Requirements for the Management of Equipment on Site 4.1 机务组管控要求 Requirements for the Technical Crew Technical crew shall be responsible for
4.1.1)机务组负责前场所有设备的修理及配合使用班组并组织人员对设备进行保养等工作; The equipment repairing, assisting the operating crew to maintain the machinery.
4.1.2)负责前场设备维护、保养资料整理及归档并交船机部审核后统一管理; Collecting of the documents regarding on machinery repairing and maintenance, resorting and putting in files.
4.1.3)负责监督其它班组设备的保养工作并按照船机部要求做好档案记录; Supervision other crews to carry out daily maintenance works and make clear records.
4.2 使用班组管控要求 Requirement for Operating Crew Operating crew shall be responsible for:
4.2.1)负责设备的使用安全,并不定期的检查设备的使用、安全情况;for the safety when operating the machinery and do frequent inspection for the performance and safety;
4.2.2)负责设备的例行维护及保养工作并配合修理组对设备进行维护及保养;for carrying out routine maintenance and repair, for assisting the repairing crew to maintain and repair
the machines.
4.2.3)监督设备的使用、油料管控工作;for supervision the usage of equipment, as well as the quantities of oil.
4.2.4)监督机械运转日志的填写以及设备的交接班记录填写工作;for making the Machinery daily operating records and the work shifts records.
4.4 搅拌站班组管控要求 Requirements for Batching Plant Crew Batching Plant Crew shall be responsible for:
4.4.1)负责设备的使用安全,并不定期的检查设备的使用、安全情况;for the safety when operating the machinery and do frequent inspection for the performance and safety;
4.4.2)负责设备的例行维护及保养工作并配合修理组对设备进行维护及保养;for carrying out routine maintenance and repair, for assisting the repairing crew to maintain and repair the machines.
4.4.3)监督设备的使用、油料管控工作;for supervision the usage of equipment, as well as the quantities of oil.
4.4.4)监督机械运转日志的填写以及设备的交接班记录填写工作;for making the Machinery daily operating records and the work shifts records.
4.4 特种设备班组管控要求 Requirement for Special Equipment Crew Special Equipment Crew shall be responsible for:
4.4.1)负责设备的使用安全,并不定期的检查设备的使用、安全情况;for the safety when operating the machinery and do frequent inspection for the performance and safety;
4.4.2)负责设备的例行维护及保养工作并配合修理组对设备进行维护及保养;for carrying out routine maintenance and repair, for assisting the repairing crew to maintain and repair the machines.
4.4.3)监督设备的使用、油料管控工作;for supervision the usage of equipment, as well as the quantities of oil.
4.4.4)监督机械运转日志的填写以及设备的交接班记录填写工作;for making the Machinery daily operating records and the work shifts records.
4.5 碎石站设备管控要求Requirement for Crusher Plant Crew Crusher Plant Crew shall be responsible for:
4.5.1)负责设备的使用安全,并不定期的检查设备的使用、安全情况;for the safety when
operating the machinery and do frequent inspection for the performance and safety;
4.5.2)负责设备的例行维护及保养工作并配合修理组对设备进行维护及保养; for carrying out routine maintenance and repair, for assisting the repairing crew to maintain and repair the machines.
4.5.3)监督机械运转日志的填写以及设备的交接班记录填写工作;for making the Machinery daily operating records and the work shifts records.
五、员工工作标准(包括办公室管理、前场设备管理员、操作工人等) V. Employee Standards (for the staffs in office, conservators and operators on site) 为切实作好设备的“管、用、养、修”工作,明确各岗位的工作要点,特制订本工作标准作为员工的工作准则:
5.1 遵守规章制度方面 Obey Regulations
5.1.1)守国家法律,遵守公司各项制度,遵守劳动纪律,爱护设备;Observe national laws, comply with the company system, observe labour discipline, take care of the equipment.
5.1.2)遵守社会公德和职业道德,团结同事,工作积极,认真负责;Abide by social morality and occupation moral, get well with colleagues, work actively, seriously and responsibly.
5.1.3)遵守项目部的安全制度和其它相关规定,服从工作调度安排;Abide by this project’s safety regulations and other relevant regulations, obey working arrangement
5.2 执行技术指令和操作规程方面 Perform Technical Instruction and Operating Instructions
5.2.1)严格遵守安全操作规程和保养规程,规范操作和保养设备;Strictly observe the rules for safe operation and maintenance regulation, regulate the operation and maintenance of equipment 5.2.2)如实填写运转日志、设备保养卡,并按时上报;Fill in the operation dairy, maintenance log, and timely submit
5.2.3)切实执行上级下达的技术指令,作好设备的防冻、防锈、防盗及防台工作,保护好随机工具;Execute the instructions for equipments and facilities in time, do well on anti-erosion and anti-freeze protection to equipments and facilities.
5.2.4)保证机械及附属设备,随机工具的清洁完整和完好。Keep machine and ancillary equipment, random tools clean complete and intact
5.2.5)严格执行技术修养制度、操作规程和交接班制度,保证工作质量和修理周期指标。Strict implementation of technical maintenance system, operation rules and the shift system, guarantee
the quality of work and repair cycle index.
5.2.6)节约油料、材料、另配件和备件,降低消耗定额。Save oil, materials, accessories and other spare parts, lower the consumption quota.
5.2.7)努力专研业务知识,提高业务水平,对设备应做到“四懂三会”(懂原理、懂构造、懂性能、懂用途、会操作、会维修、会排除一般故障)。Can understand the drawings of the principle of operation and structure of the equipments/facilities. Try hard to improve the technical skills.
5.2.8)配合填写机损事故报告。Assist to fill the machinery accident report.
5.2.9)特种设备操作人员必须持有国家劳动部或公安部颁发的相应的操作证,持证上岗。Special equipment operating personnel must hold the corresponding operation certificate issued by Ministry of Labor or the Ministry of public security of the.
5.3 服务质量和文明施工方面Service Quality and Civilization Construction
5.3.1)工作认真负责,服务态度良好,服务质量高,热情主动为项目部服务;Work is conscientious and responsible, good service attitude, service of high quality, enthusiastic service for project department
5.3.2)每天对自己的工作环境进行清扫,维护好设备的清洁,注重环境卫生;Every day to clean your work environment, maintenance of equipment cleaning, pay attention to environmental health.
5.3.3)随机机具、资料和备件等物品放置整洁有序;Random machines, materials and spare parts and other items are placed orderly.
5.3.4)维护公司名誉,文明施工,不作危害公司声誉和经济利益的事;To maintain the company's reputation, civilized construction, do not harm the company reputation and economic benefits.
5.3.5)着装整洁,精神面貌好,注重个人卫生和形象,养成良好的卫生习惯。Dress clean and in good spirit, pay attention to personal hygiene and appearance, form good health habits. 六、奖惩制度及标准(当地员工根据市场汇率标准进行折算)
VII. Rewards and Punishment System and Standard (market exchange rate conversion to standard for local staffs )
6.1)船机部所有人员必须认真履行以上工作职责,如有违反及工作不到位现象,我部会根据项目部相关规定及船机管理相关规定进行处罚;All personnel must fulfill the above
responsibilities, if someone violate and do work wrong, he will be punished according to the relevant provisions of this project of the relevant provisions of the equipment department. 6.2)管理不到位:根据情节给予处罚RMB500-1000元;Management failure: fine RMB 500-1000 under the circumstances
6.3)因管理不到位造成的机损事故:根据公司机损事故处罚条例进行处罚 Machinery accident due to management failure: punish according to the regulations of head office.
6.4)操作手违反安全操作规程造成机损事故:根据公司机损事故处罚条例进行处罚;Machinery accident due to disordered operation: punish according to the regulations of head office.
6.5)员工不听从工作安排或者屡招投者:根据情节给予RMB500-1000元的处罚,对造成重大损失的根据公司相关处罚条例进行处罚,对屡次违反者退回公司或予以清退离场;Do not obey the instruction/repeatedly being complained: fine RMB 500-1000 under the circumstances. If caused great losses, he will be punish according to the regulations of head office. For the habitual violator, he will be removed from site/leave this project.
6.6)对机械运转日志记录不规范、设备交接不清楚(在运转日志上注明相关交接工作情况)等给予管理与操作人员RMB200-500元的处罚,屡次不予更改者,给予更严重处罚或清退离场;Records are not standard/handover work is unclear: fine RMB 200-500 under the circumstances. For the habitual violator, he will be removed from site.
6.7)当地员工如因设备保养不到位、机械运转日志填写不规范、违反安全操作规程及发生任何安全事故、受到任何工作投诉者或者因酒后驾车、酒后闹事者等,项目部将给予当事者严厉的处罚,同时当月工资根据情节严重与否给予下调及清退离场等处罚;If there is any disordered behavior of the local staffs (dereliction of duty, caused accident, gaining compliant for works, drive with alcohol, make trouble after drink), he will be punished, even removed from site according to this regulation. His salary also might be low down.
6.8)爱护公司公共财产及维护公司利益,对浪费、损害公司利益与财产者,公司根据情节予以处罚或清退离场;Do harm to the reputation of CHEC: punish according to this regulation or remove from site.
七、 机械设备运转日志填写要求说明 Illustration for the Machinery Operating
7.1)使用地点:设备使用的具体地点。Operating location: the exact location where the machine is
7.2)起止时间为机械的实际运转时间,而不是设备操作人员的工作时间;当设备闲置或没有用时,可以在当天记录设备的保养、修理工作情况。The start-stop time is subject to how long the machine has running, but to the time of the operator working. When the machine is idling or not be used, records on maintenance and repair can be made.
7.3)在使用单位签章一栏,只要是设备工作了,请项目部相关管理人员给予签字确认。If the machine is used, relevant person shall sign in the “using party” blank.
7.4)油料的领用,在每一次领油后,必须及时记录在设备运转日志的后面油料领用一栏,数量要准确,工具、配件的领用一样记录下来,包括棉纱等物料。Oil use, in every time get oil, must timely record in the blank of equipment operation log and quantity must be accurate. Tools, accessories for the same shall record, including cotton and other materials.
7.5)工作内容必须详细,保养记录也必须清晰,每天的例行检查也必须记录在运转日志的备注里面;Working content must be detailed, maintenance records must be clear, routine inspection every day also must be recorded in the operation log notes.
7.6)对于不按要求填写的人员,我部会根据相关情况给予相应的处罚,望引起重视。As for those who do not fill in by the requirement, he will be given the corresponding punishment according to the relevant circumstances. Hope attention is paid to.
7.7)有不明白之处,望及时询问!Please do not hesitate to ask if there is any doubt when making those records.
八、设备操作交接班制度 System of Work Shifts
8.1)设备操作人员必须在指定的接班时间提前15分钟到达现场,接班人员必须在交班完成后方可离开;若遇特殊情况,必须在后场进行交接;Equipment operating personnel must arrive at the scene within a specified succession ahead of time 15 minutes, later shift workers must be completed before the left shift; in case of special circumstances, must transfer in the office.
8.2)交班人员必须完成本班内应完成的设备检查和保养工作,不得推迟至下一班;Shift personnel must complete the equipment inspection and maintenance work within his working time, shall not postpone to the next.
personnel must tell the later carry personnel the current operation conditions and matters needed attention. Shift workers must confirm the status of the equipment at the same time. Both parties must jointly inspect equipment and record equipment operating parameters.
8.4)交接双方必须在运转记录上签字以确认设备交接完成,若交班人没有交待操作中出现的特别问题造成因类似问题出现机损或其它问题,交班人应承担30%的责任,交接双方必须督促对方在运转记录上签字,以确定交接完成。Two sides must sign on the operation records to confirm the equipment transition is complete. If the prior worker did not say special problems appeared in operation cause engine damage or other problems, he shall assume the responsibility of 30%. Both sides must supervise and urge each other to sign the running records to determine the transition is complete.
Southern Section of Outer Circular Highway to the City of Colombo (OCH)