Teaching Goals教学目标 Learning Goals 知识目标 1) Learning skills 学习技巧 Teaching skills 教学手段 To understand the basic meanings and structures of Conversation practice. Situational teaching. Attributive Clause. Discussing. 情景教学 2) To talk about music, music bands, books and movies by Listening for key words. using Attributive Clause. 3) To talk about lyrics of famous Chinese songs by using Attributive Clause. 4) To talk about classic Chinese poems by using Attributive Clause. Sentence Structure 句型结构 Language Function 语言运用 Emotion Goals 情感目标 1) We enjoyed a song that/which is from a TV program To talk about how to To enjoy the beauty called Everlasting Classics. describe sth/sb by using of Chinese language The song that/which we enjoyed just now is a kind of Attributive Clause. and help show it to rock music. the world. The sing is an old man that/who is 74 years old. 享受中国语言之美的The singer is an old man whom the audiences like. 同时要努力将其向世2) I like movies which/that… 人展现。 I like books which/that… I like bands which/that/… Pupil Description学情分析 本节课授课的对象是九年级的学生,其中大部分已经有了一定的英语学习基础,初步掌握了定语从句的概念及用法。 学生现有水平 九年级中段的学生,大部分已经掌握了初中阶段一些重点词汇、短语及句型,能够独立用英语说出完整的句子并表达自己的观点;通过对第九单元Section A的学习,已经初步了解并掌握了定语从句的用法,能够独立思考并用定语从句造句。 学生学习习惯 大部分学生积极主动,上课认真听讲,及时完成作业及复习,并能形成学习小组,小组成员之间互帮互助,主动预习并交流预习成果。 学生性格 初三2班的学生大部分性格开朗,乐于思考及交流,上课积极回答问题,接受能力强,思维敏捷,但容易马虎疏忽犯一些细节错误。 Teaching Content教学内容分析 九年级第九单元的教学重点是定语从句的定义、结构及基本用法,而Section B 1a-1d的教学内容是以学生喜欢的音乐、电影及书本为话题展开讨论,让学生去体会生活中的文化并由此去欣赏并喜爱自己的国家文化;本课的教学难点在于通过对本课内容的学习能够利用定语从句描述自己喜爱的东西并表述自己的观点。
Teaching steps and activities教学环节与活动
① Self-study Before Class课前学案
1. Conclude the basic meanings and structures of Attributive Clause. 通过句子总结定语从句的基本定义与句型。 I love music that/which I can sing along with. He prefers groups that/which play quiet and slow songs. She likes musicians who play different kinds of music. She likes musicians whom many people like. 定语从句:一个简单句跟在__名词__或__代词__后进行修饰限定 被修饰词 引导修饰物的关系词 引导修饰人的关系词 称为:___先行词___ ___which___, ___that___ ___who___, ___that___, ___whom___ 2. Explain the meanings of some famous Chinese songs by using Attributive Clause. 利用定语从句介绍歌曲歌词 【隐形的翅膀】
我知道我一直有双隐形的翅膀(invisible wings),带我飞,给我希望。
I know I always have a pair of invisible wings which/that lead me to fly and give me hope. 【男儿当自强】
I should be a good man who/that improve myself.
Can you think of other songs and explain their meanings by using Attributive Clause?想一想其他能用定语从句解释的歌曲: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Explain the meanings of some classic Chinese poems by using Attributive Clause. 利用定语从句介绍古典诗词 【所谓伊人,在水一方。】 有一个美丽的姑娘在河水边。
There is a beautiful girl who/that is by the river. Can you think of other poems and explain their meanings by using Attributive Clause?想一想其他能用定语从句解释的诗词: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
② Procedures课中教学环节
Step 1: Lead-in & Warming-up课堂引入及热身环节
Present a video from a music TV program, ask Ss to think about: 1) What do you think of the lyrics of the songs? 2) What do you think of the singer of the song?
Create a situation(课堂情景创设): We are being interviewed by Mr. Sa Beining about some questions from the song we enjoyed just now.
Step 2: Presentation & Practice 呈现与训练
Present sentences of the answers from each question, ask Ss to combine them into one sentence by using Attributive Clause.
Ask Ss: What is the name of the TV program?
Present sentences of the answer: We enjoyed a song just now.
The song is from a TV program called Everlasting Classics.
Ss answer: We enjoyed a song from a TV program that/which is called Everlasting Classics just now.
Present more questions and the sentences of each answer and ask Ss to combine them into one sentence by using Attributive Clause. Ss answer:
We enjoyed a song that/which is from a TV program called Everlasting Classics. The song that/which we enjoyed just now is a kind of rock music. The sing is an old man that/who is 74 years old. The singer is an old man whom the audiences like.
He is someone who wants to show the beauty of Chinese to the world.
Step 3: Presentation 语法呈现与总结
Present the definition and usage of Attributive Clause and ask Ss to conclude and check the answers in their study sheets before class.
Step 4: Practice- Group Work 小组活动训练
Mr. Sa Beining is raising a question(课堂情景创设): Ask Ss:Can you think of any music bands that are famous?
Present some famous music bands in China and ask Ss to say as many sentences as possible to introduce the music bands by using Attributive Clause.
• This is a band that/which …
• The singers are people that/who…
Step 5: Practice- Listening 听力训练
Michael and Ali are talking about the things that Michael likes and the reasons why he likes it. Before listening, ask Ss to do some predictions about the answers. Ask Ss to listen and fill in the blanks.
Check the answers with Ss.
Ask Ss to pay attention to “explain” and “are”, present the rule of using Attributive Clause: 定语从句遵循主谓一致.
Step 6:Presentation & Practice- Pair work 结对活动训练 Mr. Sa Beining is raising a question(课堂情景创设): Ask Ss: What kind of books and movies do you like?
Present famous books and movies, ask Ss to have a conversation about introducing the books and movies by using Attributive Clause.
• A: I like the book/movie that is _________________, because _________________.What about you? • B: I like the book/movie that is _________________, because _________________.
Step7: Practice- Group discussion 小组讨论训练
Create a situation(课堂情景创设): Mr. Sa Beining is going to introduce some famous Chinese songs to foreigners, we are going to help him explain the songs’ meanings.
Present some famous songs and ask Ss to explain their meanings by using Attributive Clause.
• 我是一只小小鸟,想要飞,却怎样也飞不高。 • I am a little bird that wants to fly but fails to fly high. • 你就像那冬天里的一把火,熊熊火焰温暖了我的心窝。 • You are like a fire in the winter that warms my heart.
• • • • • • 你是我的眼,带我领略四季的变化。
You are my eyes that lead me to experience the changes of the seasons. 明天你是否会想起,昨天你写的日记? 明天你是否还惦记,曾经最爱哭的你?
Tomorrow, will you remember the diaries that you kept yesterday? Tomorrow, will you remember you were the girl that cried most often?
Create a situation(课堂情景创设): Mr. Sa Beining is going to introduce some famous Chinese poems to foreigners, we are going to help him explain the poems’ meanings.
Present some famous poems and ask Ss to explain their meanings by using Attributive Clause.
• 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。
• 我非常高兴因为住得很远的朋友来探望我。
• I’m very happy because a friend who/that lives far away comes to visit me. • 孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。
• 坐在孤独小船上的老人独自一人在覆盖着冰雪的江上钓鱼。
• An old man who/that sits on a lonely boat is fishing alone on a river which/that is covered with snow.
Step 8: Presentation 课前学案优秀句子呈现
Present some excellent sentences from students’ self-study before class.
Step 9: Summary 课堂总结
• 1) Attributive Clause定语从句: • …sth which/that … • …sb who/that… • whom…
• 2) Enjoy introducing some Chinese songs by using Attributive Clause. • 3) Enjoy introducing some Chinese poems by using Attributive Clause
Step 10: Sublimation 情感升华
We should spare no effort to show the beauty of Chinese to world!
Blackboard Writing Design 板书设计 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Section B(1a-1d) Attributive Clause 定语从句:一个简单句来修饰限定______名词______或_____代词_______. 先行词 … sth 物 that/which … sb 人 that/who/whom 定语从句遵循主谓一致
Teaching Evaluation教学评价 形成性评价 学生自主评价 教师引导评价 在课堂教学过程中,引导学生观察、倾听并判断他人的语法掌握情况及语言表达能力,由学生来自主评价。 通过课前对预习学案的批改分析,从中挑选优秀学案案例并在课堂教学过程中向学生呈现,引导学生观察并判断他人的语法掌握情况及语言表达能力,并在课中通过奖励的方式评价并鼓励学生更好地学习。 Teaching Reflection教学反思 通过对这节课的设计、试讲及打磨,本人从中对自己及对学生有了新的更进一步的认识:
1. 反思自己的教学设计及能力,发现自己可以在传统枯燥的教学设计上有所创新突破,可以抓住学生的爱好,以此为话题展开教学设计;关注时下热点,在英语教学的基础上让学生感受中国文化的博大精深,弘扬爱国主义精神。但在教学方式上仍有许多不足之处,比如如何提升自己的英语表达能力及如何引导学生,如何用更简单的英语鼓励学生积极思考并回答问题,这些方面都有待提升。
2. 反思学生的学习能力,起初在设计打磨这节课时,对学生的学习能力有许多的怀疑及不信任,多少有种念头认为他们可能无法应对比如将一些中文歌词及中国古典诗歌用定语从句表达出现这样的问题,然而课前学案的预习结果却令我非常吃惊,大部分学生不仅能够用定语从句简单表达,甚至其中还有不少学生给我提供了更多课上的素材、引导我更好地理解中文的歌词诗歌及开阔我的眼界,让我感到学生的能力是不能低估的,只要给予适当的指导,学生的潜力是可以被挖掘出来。希望带着对学生这样的信心,在以后的课堂上更加突破,放手让学生去做并能做出更好的教学成果。