
Reference voltage source, temperature sensor, temp

2024-05-18 来源:欧得旅游网

专利名称:Reference voltage source, temperature

sensor, temperature threshold detector,chip and corresponding system

发明人:Joël Chatal申请号:US10616226申请日:20030709公开号:US06930538B2公开日:20050816


摘要:The invention relates to an electrical reference voltage source comprising: afirst electrical current source (PTAT ) adapted to produce a first current () proportional

to a temperature; and a second electrical current source (CPTAT ) adapted to produce asecond current () inversely proportional to the temperature. According to the invention,the first and second current sources are installed in parallel and the voltage sourcecomprises means (R) of summating the first and second currents producing a referencecurrent in the summation means generating the reference voltage (VREF) at the terminalsof the summation means. The invention also relates to a temperature sensor, atemperature threshold detector, a chip and a corresponding system.

申请人:Joël Chatal

地址:Carquefou FR


代理机构:Kinney & Lange, P.A.

