
Bridge networks

2020-12-04 来源:欧得旅游网

专利名称:Bridge networks发明人:BURGESS CYRIL ARTHUR申请号:US59800156申请日:19560716公开号:US2880396A公开日:19590331

摘要:835,997. Bridge networks. BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH Ltd. July13, 1956 [July 21, 1955], No. 21181/55. Class 40 (8). The known bridge network of Fig. 1,used, e.g., for connecting two transmitters 14, 15 to a common aerial 10 and a dummyload 11, is improved in that the inductance 12 is provided by a short-circuited

transmission line, the electrical length of which from the terminals 3, 4 to the short-circuitis such as to provide an inductive reactance #L=1/#C=Z, where C is the capacitance of thecondenser 13 and Z is the impedance of the loads 10, 11. Under these conditions theoutput energy is equally divided between the two loads if the mean frequency of thetransmitters is equal to #/2#. The transmission line is formed by the two pairs of coaxiallines 16, 17 and 18, 19, Fig. 3, one line in each pair being connected to a load and theother to a transmitter. The outer and inner conductors of the coaxial lines are connectedin pairs, as shown, by bridge members, the capacitor 13 being connected across thebridges connecting the inner conductors of the pairs of lines 17, 18 and 16, 19. In a knownarrangement (Fig. 2, not shown) a lumped inductance is connected across the bridgemembers 20, 21 and the outer conductors of the lines are short-circuited by a bridge 22at a distance of a quarter wavelength from their upper ends in order to isolate the upperends of the outer conductors of the pairs of lines 16, 17 and 18, 19. According to the

invention the distance between the upper ends of the lines and the shorting bridge 22 isless than a quarter wavelength and is adjusted to provide the necessary reactance #L. Inthe modification of Fig. 5 (a plan) the pairs of coaxial lines 16, 17 and 18, 19 pass throughmetal tubes 23, 24 which form a transmission line short-circuited by the bridge 22 toprovide the necessary inductance. The outer conductors of the pairs of lines areconnected at their upper ends to the tubes 23, 24 and the inner conductors are

connected in pairs, as shown. The two inputs 14, 15 to the bridge can be connected to theoutputs of two further bridges and so on.


