

2022-05-20 来源:欧得旅游网



但是,法律翻译也由自己特殊的地方。由于法律文件对双方所达成的交易影响很大,稍有不慎就会给当事人造成难以弥补的损失。所以对交易的当事人来说,法律翻译是非常重要的,容不得半点差错和马虎。因此,法律翻译与其它翻译的一种最重要的区别是它的准确性要求非常高,原文中的意思不得作任何扩大或缩小,而只能等同。同时由于法律语言句式冗长、结构复杂,翻译的难度要比其它翻译更大一些,在翻译时,译者要经常研究它的句子结构,找出各个从句,并理出它们之间的各项逻辑关系。这就使法律翻译和其它翻译显出了不少不同之处。 二、法律翻译的过程



当然,理解和表达这两个过程并没有明显的先后顺序,译者在理解的后可能就已经用译文来表达,而在用译文表达的同时又可能会加深理解。理解和表达是两个互相辅助、互相促进的过程。 三、法律翻译的标准

前面提到,法律翻译的第一个标准是准确。这一标准是由法律文件的性质所决定的。法律文件的目的是为了保证交易双方当时人的交易安全,所以对法律文件的翻译就也必须能达到这个目的。这就要求译者在翻译法律文件时做到字字准确,句句意思平等。特别是对英文法律文件中的一些介词,译者更要把其中所隐含的意思给表达出来。译者更应该明白的是,法律翻译的准确性标准,是指一种中英文法律语言真实含义之间的等同,而不是一种表面上的一种意思对等。即使中英文法律语言之间的表面意思完全一样,但如果真实意思不完全等同,则对于这样的翻译,译者应当完全予以舍弃,而应寻求表达其中的真实含义。 前面也提到,法律翻译的性质是充当一种桥梁和沟通的作用。所以,法律翻译的第二个标准是通顺。也就是说,译者所表达的法律语言应该让其母语是译文的人能看懂,以达到一种沟通的作用,否则法律翻译就没有任何意义。

此外,由于法律语言是一种非常正式的严肃的书面语言,所以译者在表达时应该尽量用正式的书面词语。而且所表达的语言更应该意思严谨,作风严肃,不能让读者看出破绽和漏洞,更觉得像是在讲故事、写小说。译者所表达的语言就应该是一种法律语言,这种法律语言应该能让读者在读起来时感到义正严肃,觉得应该对法律文件中所涉及的任何一件事情都应该严肃对待,容不得半点马虎和差错。 四、法律翻译的方法


所以,笔者认为,法律翻译应该和其它翻译一样,它的翻译方法也是直译和意译并用,即能用直译的时候用直译,不能用直译的时候用意译,用意译的时候不能偏离原文的含义。在翻译法律文件时,译者不应该受限于哪种翻译方式,而应该根据上下文的意思随时使用任何一种翻译方式。当然,由于法律语言的特殊性,译者在翻译法律语言时,应该尽量接近原文的语言风格和句式结构。 五、法律翻译的前景






常用技巧 一、词义变换



1、 Each Party shall have the right to change its legal or authorized representative and shall promptly notify the other Party of such change and the name, position and nationality of its new legal or authorized representative.


解释:在原文中的“change”的原意为“变化”,但为了符合中文的表达习惯,将它翻译成“撤换”。 2、

The Company may establish branch offices inside China and overseas with the consent of the Board and approval from the relevant governmental authorities. 参考译文:合营公司经董事会决议并经有关政府机关批准可在国外成立分支机构。

解释:原文中“consent”的愿意为“同意”,但为了中文法律语言的表达习惯,在译文中将其翻译为“决议”。 3、

The purpose of the joint venture shall be to utilize the combined technological, management, operational and marketing strengths of the Parties within the approved scope of business of the Company to achieve good economic results and a return on investment satisfactory to the Parties.


解释:原文中的“strength”的愿意为“实力,力量”,但在译文中,为了符合中文表达习惯的需要,它被改翻译为“优势”。 4、

Subject to Article 5.4(c) below, in the event that a Party fails to make its capital contribution, in whole or in part, in accordance with the provisions of this Contract, such Party shall be liable to pay simple interest to the Company at a rate equal to [default interest rate] per annum on the unpaid amount from the time due until the time the full outstanding amount including penalty interest is paid to and received by the Company.

参考译文:在遵循以下第5.4(c)条规定的前提下,如果一方未依照本合同的条款全额或部分出资,则该方应就欠缴的出资额按年利率[ ]的单利向合营公司支付罚息,计息期为该笔出资的应缴日期至该笔出资及罚息全额支付,并由合营公司收到之日。



When a Party has made all or any part of its contribution to the registered capital of the Company, a Chinese registered accountant appointed by the Board shall verify such contribution and issue a capital contribution verification report in the form required under Applicable Laws.


解释:原文中的“appointed”一词在译文中被按照中文的表达习惯改翻译为“聘请”。 语序调换

由于译文语序和原文语序并不完全一致,所以在将原文翻译成译文时,必须调整一些语序,以使译文符合译文语言的表达习惯。在调整语序时,有时必须把在原文中后面表达的词放在译文中前面表达,有时要把原文中前面表达的词放在译文中后面表达。在调换位置时并没有特别的规律,原文中的词在译文中既可以放在前面,也可以放在后面,甚至可以放在中间。这完全视上下文的需要。译者在处理词的位置时完全可以自行斟酌处理。 1、

The Parties hereby agree to establish the Company promptly after the Effective Date in accordance with the EJV Law, the EJV Implementing Regulations, other Applicable Laws, and the provisions of this Contract.

参考译文:双方特此同意在本合同生效后依照合资企业法、合资企业法实施条例、其他相关法律以及本合同的条款及时成立合营公司。 解释:尽管原文中

“in accordance with the EJV Law, the EJV Implementing Regulations, other Applicable Laws, and the provisions of this Contract.”等词作为状语被放在后面,但在译文中按照中文的习惯被放在了谓语的前面。 2、

Neither Party shall have any liability to the Company except to the extent of its agreed capital contributions. The Company shall be liable to its creditors to the extent of its assets.

参考译文:任何一方仅以其出资额为限对合营公司承担责任。合营公司应以其资产对其债权人承担责任。 解释:原文中的“except to the extent of its agreed capital contributions”和

“to the extent of its assets”在句子后面,但在译文中,它们的对应中文翻译却在句子中间。 3、

The Business Plan of the Company shall be established by the Board in view of

actual market conditions, expected sales volumes, the employees' ability to absorb new technology and any other factors considered important by the Board. 参考译文:合营公司的业务计划由董事会在考虑市场实际情况、预计的产品销售额、雇员吸收新技术的能力以及其他董事会认为重要的因素后确定。 解释:原文中

“in view of actual market conditions, expected sales volumes, the employees' ability to absorb new technology and any other factors considered important by the Board.”等词被放在句子的后面,而在译文中,却被放在了句子的中间。 4、

A Party may sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of (each a \"transfer\") all or any part of its interest in the registered capital of the Company to any third party only with the prior written consent of the other Party, the approval of the Board and the approval of the Examination and Approval Authority.

参考译文:只有在另一方事先书面同意、经董事会一致通过、并经审批机关批准后,一方才可向第三方出售、转让或以其他方式处置(合称“转让”)其对注册资本享有的全部或部分权益。 解释:在原文中,

“with the prior written consent of the other Party, the approval of the Board and the approval of the Examination and Approval Authority”等词和短语作为状语被放在了句子的后面,但在译文中,同样作为状语,被按照中文的表达习惯放在了句子的前面。 5、

If a Party (the \"Assigning Party\") proposes to transfer all or any part of its interest in the registered capital of the Company to a third party, the other Party shall have a pre-emptive right to purchase such interest at the price offered to the third party.

参考译文:如果一方(“转让方”)拟将其在合营公司注册资本的部分或全部转让给第三方,另一方有以与转让方向第三方提出的同等价格优先购买的权利。 解释:原文中的

“a pre-emptive right to purchase such interest at the price offered to the third party”这个短句在译文中完全被译者按照中文的表达习惯调换了位置。但是,这样却通顺了多,符合了中国人的表达习惯。




Subject to Article 5.4(c) below, in the event that a Party fails to make its capital contribution, in whole or in part, in accordance with the provisions of this Contract, such Party shall be liable to pay simple interest to the Company at a rate equal to [default interest rate] per annum on the unpaid amount from the time due until the time the full outstanding amount including penalty interest is paid to and received by the Company.

参考译文:在遵循以下第5.4(c)条规定的前提下,如果一方未依照本合同的条款全额或部分出资,则该方应就欠缴的出资额按年利率[ ]的单利向合营公司支付罚息,计息期为该笔出资的应缴日期至该笔出资及罚息全额支付,并由合营公司收到之日。

解释:译文中的“计息期”在原文中并没有对应的英文词,但译者在翻译这个句子时,考虑到加上“计息期”这个词会更加通顺、更加符合中文的表达习惯,所以在译文中就加上了“计息期”这个词。 2、

Any interim or final Investment Certificate shall be signed by the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Board and stamped with the Company seal, and shall certify the amount of registered capital contributed by such Party and the date on which such capital contribution was made.



由于中西方人士的思维方式不一样,对表达同意事物或概念所用的词也不一样。所以,向增词技巧一样,在翻译法律语言时,有时也需要减词。减词的方式有很多,可以把介词省略,也可以把位于动词省略,甚至可以把一个从句省略。译者在运用这种减词技巧时,就应当根据上下文意思和译文的表达习惯,合适地选择省词。在省词时应注意的是,译者绝对不可以随便省词,切不可因为省词而改变了原文的含义。如果这样,那就改变了这种省词技巧的原有功能了。 1、

If any guarantee is required as security for any external financing of the Company approved by the Board in accordance with Article 8.2(c)(v), and if the Parties agree to provide guarantees in relation to such financing, the Parties shall severally guarantee the obligations of the Company under such external financing in proportion to their respective interests in the registered capital of the Company at such time as the guarantee is given (unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties).


解释:在原文中,“such time as the guarantee is given”本来是个定语从句,但译者在对其进行翻译时,根据上下文意思和逻辑关系就直接把它翻译成了“当时”。尽管作者省略了一个从句,但并没有改变原文的意思。在经过这样的省词后,译文反而更加通顺,更加符合中文的表达习惯。 2、

The growth of capitalism and the competition for domestic and international business have led to a never-ending stream of new business instruments and techniques and sophisticated markets, each with its own communication system, its trading rules and its procedures for clearance and settlement.

参考译文:随着资本注意的发展以及国、国际业务的竞争的加剧,新的交易手段和商业技术层出不穷,市场变得更加专业化、更加成熟,每种市场都拥有自己的通讯系统、自己的贸易规则和自己的清算结算程序。 解释:原文中有“has led to”这个动词,但在译文中译者省略了它的中文对应词。译者这样的省略的目的是为了使译文更加通顺,更加符合中文的表达习惯。尽管译者这样省略,其译文并没有改变原文的意思。 3、

With the abandonment of mercantilism and the grant of oversea state trading monopolies, paternalism gave way to private enterprise. It is a fact that in the development of our legal techniques for the accommodation of business transactions the legislature has, rather remarkably, played almost no part at all.

参考译文:放弃重商主义,赋予海外贸易的国家垄断权,家长式的管理便让位给了私人企业。事实上,在调整商业贸易的法律技术的发展过程重,立法显然没起什么作用。 解释:原文中,

“With the abandonment of mercantilism and the grant of oversea state trading monopolies”这个短语是靠”with”的连接才成为主句的状语的,但是译者在翻译时却省略了”with”的作用,直接就将起所连接的词当作两个短语。在译文的整个句子中,这两个短语就和主句构成了一个前后时间相连的复句。 4、

If the medieval lex mercatoria laid the foundations, its is the central courts, particularly from the eighteenth century onwards, that have fashioned the body of principles and rules making up modern English commercial law.


解释:原文中,”making up”构成了“English commercial law”修饰

“the body of principles and rules”的现在分词短语。但是译者在翻译时根据中文的表达习惯将其所隐含的中文含义给省略了。译者尽管这样省略,但没有将原文的意思缩小。

在法律翻译中,宾语从句的翻译相对来说比较简单。一般来说,按照原文的顺序翻译就可以。但是有时也需要根据上下文的意思,把主句谓语和从句分开。 1、

For the purposes of each increase in the interest of Party B in the registered capital of the Company in accordance with the provisions of this Article 5.10, each Party shall:

(i) procure that each director appointed by it will either attend a meeting of the Board and vote in favour of a Board resolution or sign a written resolution approving the transfer of the interest in the registered capital of the Company from Party A to Party B and/or the increase in the registered capital of the Company and the change in the Parties' respective interests in the registered capital of the Company (as the case may be);

(ii) agree and enter into a transfer of equity interest agreement or a similar agreement setting out the terms of the transfer of interest in the registered capital of the Company based on the agreed terms set out in this Contract。 参考译文:为了使乙方每次依照第5.10 条规定增加其在合营公司注册资本中所占百分比得以实现,双方应:

(i) 促使其委派的每一位董事参加董事会并就甲方向乙方转让出资以及/或对合营公司注册资本进行增资(以适用者为准)并改变双方在注册资本中所占份额的事宜投票赞成相关董事会决议或签署在董事间传阅的相关书面决议;

(ii) 根据双方在本合同中达成一致的条款,同意并签署有关出资转让事宜的股权转让协议或类似协议。 解释:在该句原文中,译者就是按照原文的顺序对其中的定语从句进行翻译的。 2、

Licensor represents and warrants that as of the Effective Date, the Technical Information, Tools, Operating Software and associated documentation are sufficient to permit Licensee to manufacture the Licensee Products with the same or equivalent quality and functionality as that manufactured by Licensor in its own factories provided that Licensee employs in its manufacturing operations trained personnel, production equipment, materials, methods and procedures, and management of equal or equivalent skills, standards and capabilities as employed by Licensor in its factories



无庸讳言,英文定语从句是翻译中的一个难点。在法律翻译中,英文定语从句也是一个难点。一般来说,对定语从句的处理方式一般有二种方式:第一种,在定语从句被翻译过来后,把它放在修饰词的前面,此种方式为最常见的方式。但是,如果定语从句的译文太长,放在修饰词会觉得很拖沓冗长,会让中国人看了感觉很累,这就要运用第二中方式;第二种方式是, 把定语从句与主句分离,让定语从句独立出来,或者放在主句的后面,或者与主句完全分离,成为一个独立的分句。例如: 1、

If the other Party does not exercise its pre-emptive right of purchase within [thirty (30)] days after delivery of such notice, such other Party shall be deemed to have consented to such transfer and covenants that it will sign all necessary documents in connection therewith and will cause the directors appointed by it to attend in person, by proxy or by telecommunications any Board meeting at which such transfer is to be considered and to vote in favor of a resolution approving such transfer or to sign a written resolution circulated in lieu of such a meeting of the Board, as the case may be.

参考译文:如果在递交上述通知后的[三十(30)]日另一方没有行使其优先购买权,则视为该方同意此转让,该方承诺将签署所有必要的相关文件,并将促使其委派的董事亲自参加、通过代理人或通讯设备参加审议此转让事宜的董事会并投票赞成批准此转让的决议,或签署在董事间传阅的相关书面决议。 解释:原文中的“any Board meeting at which such transfer is to be considered”这个定语从句就被译者按照中文的表达习惯被放在了修饰词“董事会”的前面。这样,在译文中,定语从句的中文译文成了一个短语。 2、

The purchase price for all or part of a Party's share of the registered capital of the Company shall be calculated by multiplying the value of the Company as determined above by the percentage of such Party's share of the registered capital to be transferred.


解释:原文中的“the value of the Company as determined above”其实也是一个定语从句,可用定语从句的第一种处理方式把它放在修饰词的前面。 3、

In determining the amount of any reduction in the Company’s registered capital, the Parties may request an Independent Appraiser to perform a valuation of the Company using the Industry Valuation Method, and/or applying such other factors as the Parties mutually deem appropriate.


解释:原文中的“such other factors as the Parties mutually deem appropriate”就是一个以factors为引导词的定语从句,在译文中译者运用第一种处理方式将从句放在了被修饰词的前面。 4、

Subject to the approval of the Examination and Approval Authority, if at any time Applicable Laws or the policies of the relevant government authorities permit a foreign investor to hold an equity interest greater than that currently held by Party B in the Company in the [describe industry sector] industry, undertaking equivalent or similar business to that of the Company, Party B shall have the option (but not the obligation), by notice to Party A given at any time, to increase its percentage interest in the registered capital of the Company to a percentage specified by Party B, which shall be any percentage up to and including the maximum permissible under Applicable Laws of the PRC or policies of the government authorities at the time of exercise (the \"Party B Equity Step-up Option\").

参考译文:如果根据相关法律或有关政府部门的政策,在[产业部门]产业,与合营公司的业务相同或相似的所有企业中,允许外国投资者持有的股权份额大于乙方在合营公司中现持有的股权份额,经审批机关批准,乙方应有选择权(但无义务),可在任何时间通知甲方增加其在合营公司注册资本中所占份额至乙方通知中确定的百分比,该增加的份额可为当时中国相关法律或政府部门政策允许的最高限额之的任何份额(包括最高限额)(“乙方股份递增选择权”)。 解释:原文中的

“which shall be any percentage up to and including the maximum permissible under Applicable Laws of the PRC or policies of the government authorities at the time of exercise”是一个修饰“percentage”的非限制性定语从句,对被修饰词“percentage”起到一种补充说明的作用。一般来说,对非限制性定语从句,译者在对起进行翻译时将之放在整个句子的后,这样会对被修饰词起到一种补充说明的作用。这种处理方式也就是前面所说的第二种处理方式。在该句中,译者就是按照定语从句的第二种方式来处理的。 5、

Party B [on the basis of a State-owned asset valuation of the interest in the registered capital of the Company held by Party A by the Independent Appraiser (adjusted to the extent permitted under Applicable Laws as [agreed by the Parties] [determined by Party B in its absolute discretion]) and record filed with SASAC or the relevant Finance Authorities (as appropriate) and which is, in form and substance, acceptable to Party B.]

参考译文:乙方[根据独立评估师对甲方持有的注册资本份额进行的国有资产价值评估结果( [由双方一致同意][由乙方单方决定] 在相关法律允许的围进行调整),并以乙方认可的形式和容到国资委或相关财政部门(以适用者为准)备案。 解释:在原句中,有五个定语从句,

“adjusted to the extent permitted under Applicable Laws”、“as [agreed by the Parties”和

“determined by Party B in its absolute discretion”这三个定语从句的被修饰词是“State-owned asset valuation”,“held by Party A”这个定语从句修饰“the interest in the registered capital of the Company”,而

“which is, in form and substance, acceptable to Party B”这个定语从句的被修饰词也是“the interest in the registered capital of the Company”。译者在翻译这些定语从句时,根据上下文的意思和中文的表达习惯,既有把它们的一部分放在被修饰词的前面,也有把它们当中的另一部分放在了后面,甚至将其最后一个定语从句独立出来被当作状语被放到了谓语动词的前面。 由于法律语言逻辑性很强,所以作者在写法律语言时一般都表现处比较明显的逻辑关系。而逻辑关系比较常见的表现方式时状语从句。英语中的状语从句一般包括条件状语从句、转折状语从句、时间状语从句、因果状语从句等。在翻译这几种状语从句时,可以根据它们的逻辑关系和中文表达习惯来进行翻译。在表达中文译文时,可以用中文中所对应的一些关系词,如因为…所以…,如果…则…,尽管…但是…,在….时…,在…之前或之后…,但是等。此外,在对这几种状语从句进行翻译时,可对译文的语序进行适当调整,当然有时也不需要调整。 1、

The valuation determined by the Independent Appraiser shall be the valuation adopted by the Parties for purposes of this provision save that where the valuation is a State-owned asset valuation required by Applicable Laws, the Parties may agree an adjustment to such valuation where and to the extent permitted under Applicable Laws.

参考译文:在本条中,由独立评估师确定的价值为双方认定的合营公司价值。但如果相关法律就国有资产的保全另有规定,双方可同意对上述评估价值在相关法律允许的围进行调整。 解释:原文中的

“where the valuation is a State-owned asset valuation required by Applicable Laws”状语从句,在译文中就按照中文的表达习惯和逻辑关系被翻译成了“如果相关法律就国有资产的保全另有规定”。其中“save that”的本意是“除了…之外”,但根据中文的表达习惯和逻辑关系,在译文中被翻译成了“但是”。整个句子被翻译成两个句子,两个句子之间的关系是一种转折关系。这样,译文既表达了作者的原意,又达到了译文必须通顺大的目的。 2、

Notwithstanding clauses (a) and (b) of this Article 5.6 above, the Assigning Party may transfer all or part of its amount of the registered capital of the Company to an Affiliate (the “Affiliate Assignee”) of the Assigning Party on the following conditions:

参考译文:尽管有上述5.6 条(a)、(b)款的规定,转让方可将持有的合营公司注册资本份额部分或全部按下列条款转让给其某一关联机构(“关联受让方”):

解释:原文中的“Notwithstanding clauses (a) and (b) of this Article 5.6 above”尽管只是一个短语,但根据上下文的意思和逻辑关系以及中文的表达习惯,在译文中它还是被翻译成了一种让步状语从句。


the Assigning Party shall acknowledge and agree that to the extent that the Affiliate Assignee fails to perform any obligation hereunder, the Assigning Party is not released from, and remains jointly and severally liable with the Affiliate Assignee for, the full performance of the provisions of this Contract and any damages for the breach thereof.


解释:在原文中,“to the extent that”的原意是指“在…围”,但在译文中,译者按照上下文意思和前后文的逻辑关系,将之翻译为“如果….,则…”。 4、

The Parties acknowledge that if the Company achieves the operations, revenue and earnings targets anticipated by the Parties, one or more increases in the registered capital of the Company will be required to support the expansion of the Company's business.


解释:原文的宾语从句是一个条件状语从句。译者在对其进行翻译时,按照原文语序将其翻译为一个条件状语从句。 5、

In the event that the Company’s operations are reduced substantially from the scale of operation originally anticipated by the Parties, or the Company experiences substantial and continuing losses resulting in negative retained earnings not anticipated by the Parties in the agreed Business Plan, or in any other circumstance permitted under Applicable Laws or agreed by the Parties, the Parties may agree to reduce the registered capital of the Company on a pro rata basis. 参考译文:如果合营公司的经营规模比双方原来预期的规模有大幅度缩减,或合营公司持续遭受严重亏损,导致在双方商定的业务计划中所未预期的盈余保留负数,或在任何相关法律允许或双方一致同意的情况下,则双方可以协议按原有出资比例减资。

解释:在英文法律英语中,if、in the event that、in the case that、where等词一般来说都表示一种条件关系。在翻译这种条件关系的句子时,一般都将之翻译为条件关系状语从句。在该句中,译者就将之翻译为以“如果…则…”为关系词的条件状语从句。 6、

The Chairman, following consultation with the Vice Chairman, shall decide on the timing and location of such interim Board meeting, provided that such interim

Board meeting shall be held not less than [fifteen (15)] days and not more than [forty-five (45)] days following delivery of such request.


解释:“provided that”或“providing that”等词在法律语言中是一个常见的用词,其意思是“但是”、“条件”等。在翻译含有这种词的法律句子时,可以将翻译为一种转折状语从句。在本句中,译者就将其翻译为“但是”,将原文翻译成为一种转折性状语从句。 7、

The fees of the expert shall be paid by [the Company] [the Parties pro rata to their respective interests in the registered capital of the Company unless the expert determines that the conduct of one Party in relation to the matter in question is so egregious that it alone should pay the fees of the expert]. 参考译文:专家的费用应由[合营公司]或[双方按其在公司注册资本中的比例按比例]分担[除非由于一方的行为与该待决事项有非同寻常的紧密联系,专家决定应由该方单独承担专家费用]。

解释:“unless”一词的含义是“除非…否则….”,译者在翻译这种状语从句时,可以按照原意将其翻译成为一种转折性状语从句。 8、

Given the requirement that all transfers of registered capital must be approved by the original examination and approval authority, and because such original examination and approval authority will require signed consents, waivers of pre-emptive rights and unanimous board resolutions, it is very difficult to achieve and put into effect a deemed consent to any transfer as provided in this Article 5.6(b).


解释:原文中,because所引导的从句是一个原因状语从句,在译文中译者也将其翻译为原因状语从句。当然在原文中,这个原因状语从句是套在“Given”这个词所引导的条件状语从句中的,所以在译文中,”because”引导的原因从句还是在“假如”引导的条件状语从句中。 9、

As a general principle, the Chinese name of a joint venture should not begin with Chinese characters denoting “China”, “State” or “international”, and the English name of the joint venture typically also cannot include such designations either since the English name (although not subject to approval and registration) usually is translated literally in accordance with the Chinese characters.

参考译文:作为一般原则,合营企业的中文名称不得以“中国”、“国家”或“国际”等中文词语开头,其英文名称一般也不得含有此等词语,因为英文名(虽然无需批准)称通常是按照中文名称逐字翻译的。 解释:在原文中,有两个引导词,即“since”和“although”。这两个词分别形成了一个原因状语从句和让步状语从句。同时,由于两个从句和两个主句的联结关系都不强,所以译者在翻译时都不它们放在了主句的后面。 10、

If the respective managers of the Parties fail to resolve the Deadlock Matter within [five (5)] Business Days after the Deadlock Matter is referred to them under Article 8.4(a), the Parties shall, immediately upon the expiry of such [five (5)]-Business Day period, refer the Deadlock Matter to the Group Managing Director of Party B and the equivalent officer of Party A for their resolution. 参考译文:如果双方各自的高级管理人员未能在董事会投票僵持事项按第8.4(a)条提交给他们后[五(5)]个工作日解决该投票僵局,双方应在上述[五(5)]个工作日期限届满时,立即将该投票僵持事项提交给乙方的相关事业部总裁及相当的甲方官员予以解决。

解释:“after”或“before”等词引导的时间状语从句,在译文中一般都可以翻译成时间状语短语。在本句中,译者就将“after”引导的时间状语从句翻译成一个时间状语短语。 11、

When any dispute occurs and is the subject of friendly consultations or arbitration, the Parties shall continue to exercise their remaining respective rights and fulfil their remaining respective obligations under this Contract, except in respect of those matters under dispute.


