专利名称:X-ray analysis apparatus with an X-ray
detector in the form of a CCD array
发明人:Johannes Cornelis Jans,Marinus Willem
Dirken,Waltherus Wilhelmus Van DenHoogenhof
摘要:The invention relates to a device for X-ray analysis with energy dispersive
detection of fluorescent radiation. In order to enable the measurements to be carriedout with a suitable position resolution, the analyzing radiation is conducted to the sample() by means of an X-ray conducting capillary () which is directed to the sample through thedetector surface (). Practically all fluorescent radiation () from the sample can bedetected in such arrangement. According to the invention a detector is used in the formof an X-ray-sensitive CCD array (). Such a CCD array provides a better energy resolution incomparison with conventional EDX detectors. Moreover, for such CCD arrays a largeamount of sophisticated software is available for reading out; moreover, such CCDs canbe readily purchased, for example, as rejected visible light sensitive arrays in which a smallnumber of pixels have dropped out.