专利名称:Automated investment advice and execution
发明人:ヴァン ロムパイエ,ベルト,ヤプラコヴ,ディミ
タール,マルケ,イネ,デ シュピーゲラール,ヤン,ローギールス,ステファーン,チジ,バラク
摘要:The present invention relates to a computing system for automated investmentadvice, which is a server and includes a processor, tangible non-volatile memory, andprogram code existing on the memory for instructing the processor. It comprises aserver and at least one computer readable medium, the at least one computer readablemedium containing a database, which is associated with securities knowledge data relatedto the historical performance of multiple financial products and customer risk. Customerknowledge data to be generated, wherein the customer knowledge data includes a
questionnaire, the customer knowledge data further includes a plurality ofpredetermined risk categories, and each risk category contains at least onepredetermined risk parameter value. Containing investment-related data, includingcustomer knowledge data, the computing system is configured to perform a method ofcalculating a risk compliance portfolio, which method (a) with the steps of providing thequestionnaire to the customer. , (B) the step of receiving the answer to the questionnairefrom the customer, (c) the step of assigning the customer to the assigned risk categorybelonging to the plurality of risk categories based on the answer, and (d) the above. Thesteps to calculate the risk compliance portfolio, which includes the selection of at leastone of a plurality of financial products, which is at least based on the securities
knowledge data and the assigned risk categories. Including, the above calculation in step(d) complies with the above assigned risk category by comparing the values associatedwith the above risk compliance portfolio with the above at least one predetermined riskparameter value. Related to maximizing expected portfolio returns and / or minimizingexpected risk. [Selection diagram] Fig. 1
申请人:カーベーセー グループ エンフェー
地址:ベルギー,1080 ブリュッセル,ハーヴェンラーン2
代理人:庄司 隆,資延 由利子,大杉 卓也,平田 緑