
Power plant with pressurized-gas generator

2020-04-17 来源:欧得旅游网

专利名称:Power plant with pressurized-gas generator发明人:Hans Pfenninger申请号:US05/872906申请日:19780127公开号:US04199933A公开日:19800429

摘要:A power plant essentially comprises a thermal prime mover, a pressurized-gasgenerator for generating hot producer gas from coal, the producer gas followingseparation out of dust and sulphur content being utilized as fuel for the power plant.Included is a pressure-charging group consisting of coupled compressor and gas turbineunits, the compressor serving to compress air and deliver it to the pressurized gasgenerator, and the gas turbine being driven by the hot pressurized and unburnedproducer gas. Two dry-state dust separators for dust entrained in the producer gas arearranged in series in the flow path of the producer gas after leaving the pressurized-gasgenerator. The first dust separator is a cyclone type which functions to remove coarserparticles of the dust and the second separartor which is structurally integrated into thegas turbine to remove any dust particles still remaining in the producer gas is constitutedby a volute casing located at the inlet end of the turbine which serves as a replacementfor the normally used row of guide vanes and which functions to centrifuge out the dustinto an annular duct through an entrance gap thereto formed in the outer wall of theturbine ahead of the first row of rotor blading thus to avoid any erosive action on thelatter. A second similar annular duct for receiving centrifuged out dust particles can alsobe provided in the gas flow path immediately after the first row of rotor blading. The hot

producer gas following expansion in passing through the turbine accompanied by a dropin temperature but without further cooling is then passed through a dry state porousmass which chemically binds and removes the sulphur content prior to delivery to acombustion chamber component wherein the prime mover is a further gas turbine drivinga load such as electrical generator or to a boiler wherein the prime mover is a steamturbine.


代理机构:Burns, Doane, Swecker & Mathis

