

2022-01-18 来源:欧得旅游网

1 那个紫色的钱包是真皮做的(天才genius)

The purple purse is made of genuine leather.

2 一枚条形码标签贴在摄氏温度计上

A bar code label is attached on the centigrade thermometer.

3 在废弃的牲口棚中有一堆干草和一个漏水的水桶

There is a stack of hay and a leaky barrel in the discarded barn.

4 园丁正在用锯子修剪一棵造型独特的松树

The gardener is trimming a peculiar pine tree's limbs with a saw.

5 蜘蛛在丛林间结网并以捕昆虫为食

Spiders spin webs amid the jungle in order to capture insects as their food.

6 那个塑料容器的容积是10加仑即80品脱,高度大约为60厘米

The capacity of that plastic container is 10 gallons, namely 80 pints, and the height is approximately 60 centimeters.

7 在市郊笔直的雕像和纪念碑附近,坐落着一座体育馆

Beside the erect statue and monuments of suburb, a gymnasium located there.

8 那位农民正把一群鹿赶下山坡

The farmer is herding a flock of deer descending a slope.

9 地铁方向传来的刺耳汽笛声在昏暗的地道里变弱消失了

The harsh whistle of subway weakened and vanished away in the dim tunnel.

10 竹林和水蜜桃树点缀着山顶壮丽的风景

The bamboos and honey peaches dot the spectacular view on the mountain peak.

11 面粉搅拌机正有节奏地搅动着面水混合物

The flour roller is stirring the mixture of flour and water with a constant rhythm.

12 客栈的外面有一条浅浅的排水沟

There is a shallow draining ditch outside of the inn,.

13 日历的旁边有一个圆规和一沓笔记本

Near the calendar, there is a compass and a stack of pads.

14 驴鞍上驮着一麻袋谷物和一些纺织品

A sack of grain and some textiles are carried on the saddle of a donkey.

15 一些不新鲜的烤面包和烤肉放在食橱里

There were some stale toast and sausage in the cupboard.

16 在主人的指挥下,那只忠实的猎狗在茂盛的野草丛中绯徊

Under the command of its master, the loyal hunting dog is wandering in bundles of prosperous weeds.

17 那间简陋的小屋唤起我对童年的回忆

The crude hut refreshed my memory of childhood.

18 峰


After reached the source of Christmas, we can see a queue of saint, some solemn isolated temples and bare summit in distance from the windows of sightseeing bus.

19 那台机器仅仅由一些齿轮、轴承、螺栓、螺丝钉和外壳组成

The machine merely consists of some gears, bearings, bolts, screws and crusts.

20 透过薄雾,那条延绵数里的河隐约可见

Through a light mist, the stream that stretched for miles was visible.

21 原子能的使用必将使未来人类的生活发生很在的变化

The use of atomic energy will undoubtedly revolutionize the lives of coming generation.

22 原油由地下抽出,它是石油产品的唯一原料

The only one resource of petroleum products is crude oil, which is pumped up from the earth's interior.

23 他从不忽视自己的小毛病,同时努力形成好的习惯

He never neglects any of his defects and tries to cultivate good habits in the meantime.

24 中华民族孕育了许多民族英雄和革民领袖

The Chinese nation has brought forth a lot of national heroes and revolutionary leaders.

25 酒精分由碳、氢、氧三种元素构成

Alcohol molecule is composed of the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

26 钢琴的琴键一弹琴弦就响,这就是再自然不过的事情

It is absolute that the string of a piano vibrates when the keys are struck.

27 这个规则动词用的是现在时态

The regular verb was in the present tense.

28 经过对古代住宅区的分析,历史学家得出一个结论:印第安人是北美地区最早的居民

After analyzing the ancient housing estate, the historical expert reached a conclusion that the Indians were the original inhabitants in North America.

29 为防止环境污染,我们不应该向草坪上乱倒垃圾

In order to prevent environmental pollution, we shouldn't dump garbage on the lawn.

30 专家以生动的例子说明抽象的理论

The expert cited vivid instances in illustration of abstract theory.

31 同于每天从早到晚的不懈练习,她的书法已有明显的进步

She has made a noticeable improvement in handwriting because she exercises it from daylight till dusk every day.

32 大多数远程通讯网络由电子自动装置精确地控制

Most of the telecommunication network is accurately controlled by electronic robots.

33 诗与散文的差别是显而易见的

The distinction between essay and poetry is obvious.

34 该校本科生的课程强调对哲学知识的了解

The undergraduate curriculum of this college stressed on acquaintance with philosophy.

35 在用这台粗密天平前,你应该读一下那本简明参考书

You should read the handy reference book before using the delicate scale.

36 我不明白这复杂的数理逻辑运算

I don't understand the complicated mathematical logic calculation.

37 化学教师同意他今晚去实验室里做实验

The chemistry teacher has given him permission to do experiments in laboratory tonight.

38 人类行为主要是认知的产物,而动物的行为是本能使然

Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct.

39 幼儿园的老师告诉孩子们宇宙中有恒星、行星、卫星以及其他天体

The nursery teacher told children that the universe was comprised of stars, planets, satellites and other spheres.

40 一些细菌和病毒活跃于简单的化合物诸如酒精中

Some species of bacteria and virus thrive on simple compounds such as alcohol.

41 女:你最终听从了妻子的建议并戒了烟。男:坦白地说,那是我的医生的建议,因为我有高血压。

W:So you finally took to your wife's advice and gave up smoking. M: Frankly speaking, it was my doctor's advice. I am suffering high blood pressure.

42 男:每天都在酒吧工作是很烦的。女:为何不辞职来帮我送邮件?

M: Working at a bar every day is boring. W: Why don't you quit and deliver post for me?

43 男:太累了!我昨晚通宵准备算术测验。女:现在你可以休息一下了

。M: I am exhausted! I stayed up the whole night studying for my arithmetic quiz. W: Now, you can relax yourself.

44 男:现在我不能再忍受任何打扰了!我不得不赶最后期限完成任务。


M: I really can't afford any interruptions right now! I have got to finish the assignment before deadline. W: Sorry, just one more thing. Can you tell me where the local stadium is?

45 的方案。


W: You have got your apartment furnished, haven't you? M: I have bought a discounted oven and a cabinet. I'm thinking of a rational layout formula.

46 男:你读完上个月买的那本虚构小说了吗?女:噢,我只浏览了其中一些自己感兴趣的章节或段落。

M: Have you finished reading the invented fiction you bought last month? W: Oh, I just skimmed a few chapters or paragraphs that interested me.

47 经验。


M: Look, it says they want a reliable senior manager, and it seems like it's a big corporation. W:

But I have not any experience of administration.

48 男:打扰了,我想在贵报星期天的版面上刊登一条卖旧卡车的广告。女:好的,但是你必须刊登一


M: Excuse me. I'd like to place an advertisement for a used lorry in this Sunday's editions of your paper. W: OK, but you have to run your advertisement all week. We can't quote rates for just Sunday.

49 的。


M: I spend so much time drafting and polishing my letter of application. W: It's worthwhile to make the effort. You know just how important it is to give impression.

50 男:你检查接线头和线路了吗?女:检查过了,指示灯亮着,但录像机不工作,可能是电压太低了。

M: Did you check the terminal plug and circuit? W: Yes, the power indicator was on, but the video wouldn't play, Might the voltage is too lower.

51 女:我的噪子很痛,而且吐血,是很可怕的病吗?男:不,只是典型的感冒症状。我建议你多休息。

W: My throat is sore and I'm spitting blood. It is a fearful disease? M: No, it's is fearful disease? M: No, it's the typical symptoms of bad cold. I counsel you to have a good rest.

52 步。


After he was appointed as an ambassador, his moderate temper turns sour. As an inferior, you

should offer your concession when he condemns you.

53 喜丧是该地区一个古老的民族习俗。

Comedy funeral is an ancient ethnic convention in that region.

54 令人难以置信的是驯服的狼温顺如羊。

It's incredible that the tame wolf is as mild as a lamb.

55 在展览会陈列的样品中,那辆崭新的自行车非常吸引人。

The brand new cycle was charming in the samples displayed at the exhibition.

56 博物馆在地震中倒塌后,那些早期的粗糙瓷器被毁坏了。

After the museum had collapsed in the earthquake, the primitive coarse china was destructed.

57 他买炸牛排和豌豆面时付给服务员8元钱。

He gave the waiter 8 Yuan in payment for fried steak and noodle with peas.

58 神父预言说那条鲸鱼将在两周内离开海湾。

The priest predicted that the whale would leave the gulf in fortnight.

59 大使馆坍塌的现场令人触目惊心。

The site of the smashed embassy is horrible.

60 因特网的出现是人类进入网络时代的重大标志。

Emergence of the internet is a grand symbol that mankind access to a network era.

61 李先生在修理燃气轮机方面非常老练。

Mister Li is skilled at maintaining the gas turbine engine.

62 那位林匠说这张沙发可以很容易地改变成一张床。

The carpenter said that the sofa could be readily converted into a bed.

63 那位杰出的物理学家出生于农民家庭,很很谦虚。

The prominent physicist, who comes from rural household, is very modest.

64 他因才能、智慧、真诚和正直的性格获得广泛认同而受到年轻人的崇拜。

He is worshipped by youngsters for his talent, wisdom, honesty and upright character that have gained wide acceptance.

65 尴尬的发言人拒绝对公司的分裂发表任何评论。

The embarrassing spokesman refused to make any comments on the split of the company.

66 由于那位售货员总是沮丧地倚在柜台上,不能集中精力售,因此被解雇了。

Owing to the salesman always leaning on the counter with depression so as not to concentrate on sales, she was dismissed.

67 那位武断的主办者宣布取消一年一度的种族聚会。

The arbitrary sponsor declared to cancel the annual racial rally.

68 抱着一沓卡通月刊,送信人走出电梯,侧着身子挤过拥挤的(昏暗的)走廊。

With a bundle of cartoon monthly, the messenger walked out of elevator and squeezed sideways through the crowded (gloomy) corridor.

69 那位跛足的乞丐用雪茄烟包装纸包了一捏子豆子,然后用细绳捆扎起来。

The beggar, who is a cripple, packed pinch of beans in cigar wrapping paper, and then bound it with a cord.

70 零售商向那位热切咨询的消费者介绍了各种款式的录音机。

The retailer introduced all sorts of recorders to keen enquiring consumer.

71 一些成年男子正在肥沃多产的土地上忙碌地播种谷物。

Some adult males and females are occupied in sowing grains in the fertile and fruitful field.

72 那位口渴的搬运工揭开壶盖,把一壶果汁喝光了。

The thirsty porter uncovered the kettle lid. And then drank the juice until the last drop.

73 手握铲子的矿工在矿井中将金矿颗粒从成吨的岩石中分离出来。

The workmen, who were holding spades, squeezed gold ore particles out of tons of rock in the


74 驾着马车的杂货商因冰冻路滑而沮丧。

The grocer, who was driving a wagon, got frustrated by the frost and slippery road.

75 那位可恶自私的地主受到穷人的咒骂。

The evil selfish landlord was cursed by farmers in poverty.

76 那位记者匆忙地解释他使用假护照的意图。

The reporter clarified his intentions of using a forged passport in haste.

77 很显然,那位穿着时髦女衬衫的打字员很能干。

It is evident that the typist who is wearing fashionable blouse is capable.

78 那位孕妇笨拙地将面包切成片,放在架式烤炉上。

The pregnant woman clumsily sliced up a loaf and put them on a rack oven.

79 为了安全起见,在可怕的暴风雨来临之前,他把汽船驶进港口抛锚停泊。

For the sake of security, he steered the steamer into port and cast anchor before the awful storm came.

80 那位顾客给儿子买了条牛仔裤和一条有弹性的便裤。

The client selected a jeans and an elastic pants for his son.

81 那家公司的年度开支预算总计140亿美元。

The firm's annual expenses budget amounts to fourteen billion dollars.

82 北京将优先发展三大支柱产业是必然的趋。

There is a trend that Beijing will develop priority to three pillar manufacturing industries.

83 制造商想把总部搬到南方,然后用新品牌迅速发展其产品。

The manufacturers want to remove its headquarters to the South and boom their products by using a new trademark.

84 银行将贷给那个商人一大笔款。

The bank will accommodate the merchant with a fantastic amount of loan.

85 这家公司在便捷发动机制造方面已取得巨大的进步。

The firm has made a tremendous advance in the realm of producing portable generator.

86 奢侈品销量日增是该国繁荣的一个标志。

The increasing sale of luxury goods is an index of the country's prosperity.

87 中国经济的增长引起了全世界的瞩目。

The economic growth of China caused worldwide attraction.

88 工业革命改变了整个英国的社会结构。

The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.

89 在律师分析了他不能继承那笔可观的财产的原因后,他怀着悲伤的心情离开了法庭。

After the attorney had analyzed the reason why he couldn't inherit the considerable assets, he departed from court with pessimistic mood.

90 由于水泥和砖的谷格浮动不定,建筑师放弃了那个工程。

The architect has abandoned the project for the price cement and brick continually fluctuates.

91 这些电子装置对国内电话通讯网非常重要。

Those electronic robots are essential for our domestic phone communication networks.

92 他从每周要闻上了解到,那个特别计划由政府拨款资助。

He acknowledged from weekly highlight news that the particular scheme is financed by government grant.

93 我国通过加强外交途径来提高国民生产总值。

We improve our gross domestic product (GDP) through strengthening diplomatic channels.

94 尼龙是制成合成纤维的重要材料,如果缺乏将会影响产量。

A shortage of nylon may affect the output of synthetic fiber, which is the most important raw material.

95 即使是扩大了足球场,那家具乐部的会员费仍然很昂贵。

Despite enlarging its soccer court, the membership fee of the club is costly.

96 虽然在圣诞节前夜糖果大减价,但仍有可观的利润。

Though the price of the candy had a radical reduction at Christmas Eve, it also had a substantial profit.

97 我们因流动资金的严重缺乏而不能购买车间辅助设备。

We can't purchase mill auxiliary facility because the liquid means is exceedingly scarce.

98 售货员说,在这样的商业衰败时期,教育器材的零售量有减少的趋势。

A salesman said that is such a commercial decline phase, educational facility's retail amount had a tendency to decrease.

99 市长说他们的经济前景相当好,明年的税收收入必定增加。

The mayor says that their financial prospect is optimistic and the tax revenue must increase next year.

100 当地的一位管理者指责,过度发展养兔业导致了资源的匮乏。

A local conductor accused that the excessive development of rabbit breeding had led to the

scarcity of resources.

101 那位敏感的侦探发现一只手套和一个瓶盖放在草席上。

The acute detective found an odd glove and a lid of jar on the straw mat.

102 一帮小伙子大步直进职业介绍所,间谍对他们的动机产生了怀疑。

The spy suspected on the motive of a gang of lads, who had stridden into the employment agency.

103 漫不经心地,一边嚼着口香糖,罪犯坦白了他的主要罪行,虽然有一些细枝末节被遗漏。

Chewing bubble gum, with a casual manner, the criminal confessed his principal crime except that some minor details were omitted.

104 盾牌被敌人的剑刺穿后,他不安地躲到山脊上的一个洞中。

After his shield was penetrated by the enemy's sword, he restlessly fled to an opening of the ridge.

105 忍着剧通,他爬到一个隐蔽处,从肿胀的伤口中吮吸出毒汁。

Enduring the huge pain, he crawled to a shelter, and sucked the poison from the swelled wound.

106 那支军队屈服于敌人的诱惑,后来投降了。

The troop submitted to the temptation of enemy and yielded afterward.

107 正在巡航的海军舰队屈服于敌人威胁投降了。

Surrendered to the threat of rival, the cruising navy fleet yielded.

108 他向新兵讲解了突袭敌人的唯一路线。

He sketched out the solve route of raiding enemy to the recruit.

109 他们在战斗以前简化了激光制导导弹系统的发射操作面板。

They simplified the launch operational panel of laser guided missile systems before combat.

110 侦察员发现借助军事当局的批准,一支舰队驶进了中国边境线。

The scout found a fleet ran into China boundary, resorting to the sanction of military authorities.

111 不幸的是,志愿军部队遇上了一年中雨季。

Unfortunately, the volunteer troop encountered the rainy climate all a year round.

112 从他唐突的话语和粗鲁的行为中,我可以推断出他的家庭背景和身份。

I can infer his household background and identity from his offensive words and rude behavior.

113 他突袭敌人的建议几乎没有引起大家的兴趣。

His proposal that they make a lightning raid on the enemy aroused little enthusiasm.

114 任何情况下,中国决不首先使用核武器或者化学武器。

Under no circumstance will China be first to use nuclear or chemical weapons.

115 证人把细节告诉了陪审团。

The witness informed the jury about the details.

116 当听到一阵脚步声,他警觉地举起他的手枪(小口径步枪)。

Hearing the click of footstep, he holds up his pistol (small bore rifle) alertly.

117 飞机失事的遇难者生还的希望渺茫。

There is only a slim hope of survival of the crash victims.

118 那辆马车由于在一次碰撞中木制的连接螺栓断裂而被毁坏。

The carriage was wrecked for its timber linking bolt broken in a collision.

119 他们提前完成了乏味的数值统计任务,离开了潮湿的热带雨林。

They fulfilled the tedious task on statistics ahead of schedule and then left the moist tropical jungle.

120 他将熔化的黄铜倒进浇铸模子里来制成弹壳。

He poured the melted brass into the casting mold to make bullet crust.

121 桑迪的父亲是一位谦虚幽默的作家,读者们都很喜欢他。

Sandy's father is a humble, humorous writer who was beloved by his readers.

122 上小学时,桑迪读了许多关于水手的书,并受到了鼓舞。

In elementary school, sandy had read heaps of books about some sailors and had been inspired by them.

123 在中学时,他的老师夸他是一个正直、热情大方、有进取心的少年。

In secondary school, his teacher praised him as an honorable, earnest, generous and aggressive teenager.

124 上大学时,他主修建筑学专业。

He specialized in architecture on campus.

125 毕业后,虽然他的女朋友整天与他如影随形,但他还是迫使自己去实现南太平洋探险的梦想。

After graduation, though his darling lover always stuck like glue to him, he compelled himself to come true his dream of exploring the South Pacific.

126 为了能够拥有一条适宜船,他费尽心血。

He has invested lots of emotional energy in order to possess a decent boat.

127 出发前,桑迪把航线画在航海图上。

Before departure, Sandy plotted the ship's course on the chart.

128 伴着温暖的阳光、清新的微风和水平线上珍珠般的小岛,桑迪的航船无拘无束地漂流在南太平洋上。

Accompanied with warm sunshine, refreshing breeze and jewel like island on the horizon, Sandy's boat drift on the South Pacific without any restraint.

129 桑迪懒散地躺在甲板上,沉浸在这美妙的时光之中。

Sandy lay idly on the deck, and was absorbed in the glorious condition.

130 他从来没有经历过任何诸如火山、地震之类的灾难,但他可能将要经历。

He hadn't experienced any disaster such as volcano, earthquake, but maybe he would.

131 一颗美国气象卫星有效地行驶在轨道上,朝着南太平洋驶去,收集着天气变化的信息。A U.S. weather satellite moved with efficiency in its orbit, heading towards the South Pacific, scanning the earth's atmosphere for sign of changing weather.

132 天气传真显示,由于巨大高压系统的影响,一场时速40海里的飓风将席卷南太平洋。The weather fax indicated that for the influence of massive high-pressure system, a 40 knots per hour storm would rage across the South Pacific.

133 一道强烈的闪电划过天空,震耳欲聋的雷声在头顶轰鸣,一阵急风骤雨抽打在船舱窗子上。

A streak of intense lightning flashed through the sky, deafening thunder roared overhead, a blast wind with fierce rain whipped on the cabin window.

134 当船开始在波浪中摇摆时,他鼓励自己:别紧张,我是一个勇敢的水手。

When his boat began to sway by spray, he urged himself: don't worry, I'm a bold mariner.

135 一个狂怒的波浪犹如陡峭的山崖,几乎垂直。

A raged wave just like a steep cliff, sheer vertical.

136 接下来的浪更大,就像一个可怕的魔鬼想要吞掉他。

The following surge was more powerful, like a terrible mysterious ghost who wanted to swallow him.

137 然后,他发现风力发电机的铝架已经被毁坏。

Then, he found that the aluminum framework of wind powered generator had been spoiled.

138 他警惕地看着海面,似乎等待着潜在灾难的到来。

He peered outside alertly, just like awaiting some potential hazard.

139 突然,一圈绳索从甲板上滑到螺旋桨上,他的脑子里犹如一个炸弹轰地炸开了。Suddenly, a coil of rope slid in blade from deck, and what like a bomb exploded in his mind.

140 他明白他必须尽快砍断绳子。

He was aware that he must chop off the rope swiftly.

141 工具包里只有斧子、锯子、锤子和剪刀各一把可以使用。

In the kit, only the axe, saw, hammer and a pair of scissors were available.

142 紧紧握住把手,他砰地关上门,手碗上绑着锯子冲入水中。

Gripping the handle, he slams the door behind, plunges himself into water, with the saw bonded on his wrist.

143 为了止血,他脱掉衬衫,撕下一小块干净的布,包扎好受伤的脚踝。

In order to stop bleeding, he stripped off his shirt, tore a clean rag and then wrapped his injured ankle.

144 波浪无休止地打在防水窗上,伴着刺耳的声音玻璃碎了。

Sprays endlessly slammed on the waterproof window, and the glasses smashed with a harsh noise.

145 整洁有序的船舱变得混乱不堪。

The tidy and orderly cabin altered in chaos.

146 水溅在地板上,大量的磁带、CD唱片和笔记本从抽屉中撒出来。

Water splashed (spilled) over the floor, a mass of cassettes, CD-disks and the notebook have been thrown out form drawer.

147 他的羊毛衫和可爱的玩具被子浸在水中。

His wool sweater and lovely doll had been submerged in water.

148 无数次地,他极度痛苦地被甩向舱壁又弹回来

。Numerous occasions, he was thrown to the cabin wall and bounced back with tremendous pain.

149 渐渐地,他几乎没有耐心再去和狂怒的大海抗衡。

Gradually, he became practically impatient to resist the raged sea.

150 为了得到其他船只的援助,他捆好松动的蓄电池,打开电泵开关。

In order to get help from other ships, he fastened the loosen storage battery and switched on the electric pump.

151 由于剧的震动和许多变故,他从数字仪表上已经读不出电流的电压了。

With violent vibration and so many variables, he can't get the volt of current from digital panel.

152 经过反复实验,他认为所有的通讯装置都已经坏了。

After trial and error, he concludes that all the communication devices are useless.

153 当彻底的绝望袭来时,他强迫自己不要害怕并为自己祈祷。

He obliged himself not to be scared and prayed for himself when thorough despair almost emerged in his mind.

154 幸运的是,一架皇家直升机的飞行员发现了他的船只。

Fortunately, the pilot in a royal helicopter found his boat.

155 经过仔细的勘察情况,飞行员试着通过雷达系统与他联系。

After surveying the situation cautiously, the pilot tried to contact him by radar system.

156 一个带着英国口音的男士的声音从收音机的话筒中传出,声音很小。

A man's voice with an England accent derived from the receiver of radio with small volume.

157 带着极大的欢喜,桑迪颤抖着抓起话筒,喊道,上帝,求你救救我吧。

With extreme excitement, sandy hold the microphone with shiver, exclaimed, lord, I appeal you help me!

158 他奇迹般地被机组人员营救了。

It's just a miracle that the helicopter's crew rescued him.

159 经历了这次惊人的灾难后,他探险的决心更大了。

After undergoing the marvelous hardship, he had more determination on exploring.

160 目前,桑迪正在攒钱准备下一次壮举---驾着篷车穿越澳大利亚内陆。

Recently, sandy is accumulating funds for his next exploit, traveling across the Australian interior in his van.

161 作为一名高级知识分子,我们对不同文化背景的人不应持有偏见。

As a highly qualified intellectual, we should liberate our mind from prejudice against people

from diverse cultures.

162 一位学者预测,这种节日的装饰将是下次盛大庆典的典型特征。

A scholar predicted that such festival decoration would be a typical feature (trait) of next magnificent ceremony.

163 凭着广博的文学知识和独特而富有创意的写作风格,他在艺术界提高了自己的声誉。With infinite literary knowledge and singular creative writing style, he had enhanced his own reputation in artistic community.

164 射在玻璃纤维上的激光放射出一种特有的图像。

Laser light beaming onto glass fibers casts a characteristic pattern.

165 我们的心理学课本上有很多抽象的概念。

There is too much abstract notion on our psychology textbook.

166 通过显微镜片,我清楚地看到了肉眼无法看到的蠕虫卵。

Through the microscope lens I can clearly observe the worm egg which is not apparent to the naked eye.

167 令他感到惊奇的是:通过三棱镜的反射后,手电光的反射图像变成了多彩的带状光束。He is amazed that through triangle mirror, the torch-light's reflection image turns to a colorful ribbon beam.

168 作为一名导师,他在那支非凡的管弦乐队负责教小提琴和小号。

As a tutor, he is responsible for teaching violin and trumpet in the remarkable orchestra.

169 研究表明,反应催化剂的质量影响精炼的密度。

The study demonstrates that the quality of reaction accelerator can influence the density of refined copper.

170 我的侄子在幼儿园里学有序字母表和加减运算。

My nephew is studying ranked alphabet, simple plus and minus calculation in the kindergarten.

171 据估计,该货物起重机爪形钩举不起那些沉重的木材。

It's estimated that the claw hook of the cargo crane can't heave the heavy log up.

172 在相关部门登记后,他得到了经营私立学校的专用许可证。

Being registered at the related sector, he got an exclusive license of running a private school.

173 校长(院长)同意我系成立半导体研究会。

The schoolmaster (dean) consents our faculty to found a semiconductor seminar.

174 老师站在讲台上,反复地强调词汇表中一些复数名词的拼写。

The teacher stood on the platform and emphasized the spelling of some plural nouns in the vocabulary.

175 移动着的地层边缘将不可避免地发生重大的地震灾害。

It's inevitable that horrible earthquakes will happen in the margin of shifting earth layers.

176 钢筋可以加固混凝土结构,在建造过程中必不可少。

Steel rods that could reinforce concrete structures are indispensable in constructing.

177 在上学期的滑雪比赛后,老师给冠军奖励了丰富的奖品,相反地,批评了缺席的同学。After the skiing contest of last semester, the coach rewarded the champion abundant award, contrarily, criticized the absent student.

178 就业服务办公室,负责协调公司对学生的面试。

The Career Service Office coordinates the companies and students regarding the interview.

179 经过老师解,例证并对比之后,所有学生最终理解了鼓掌和掌击的意思。

After the teacher's interpretation, exemplifying and comparison, all the students comprehended the respective meanings of clap and slap and their differences consequently.

180 老师启发学生,解这个数学方程的方法有问题,应该换一种方法。

The student is enlightened by his teacher that he has calculated the mathematical equation with faulty method, which should be replaced.

181 带着惊慌的表情,她抓起手机,冲出宿舍。

With somewhat panic expression, grabbing the mobile phone, she dashed out of her dormitory.

182 那位卷发公主戴着镶有小正方体水晶的五冠。

The curly princess wore a crown decorated with small cube crystal.

183 他耸耸肩,间接地表示他对今晚在附近一家酒吧举行的爵士音乐毫无兴趣。

He shrugged, with the indirect implication that he was indifferent to the jazz band's concert in a nearby pub tonight.

184 他一边吮吸着汽水,一边用面包蘸着碟子里的西红柿酱。

He dips tomato jam in a tray with loaf when sucking soda.

185 虽然打着雨伞,但她的裤子已经湿透了,并且沾满了泥巴。

In spite of holding an umbrella, her trousers were soaked and covered with mud.

186 我们为第一次登上航空母舰而相互庆贺。

They exchange congratulations for they have been aboard an aircraft carrier first time.

187 他竭尽全力向对手发出致命的一击。

He exerted every ounce of energy to punish his opponent with a fierce vital punch.

188 我的那位正在吃冰淇淋的伙伴有着丰富的想象力和一口流利的英语。

My partner, who is licking ice-cream, has rich imagination and fluent oral English.

189 那位美丽的新娘在结婚典礼上与爱人温柔拥抱。

The elegant bride embraced tenderly with her lover on their wedding.

190 虽然他是一位聋哑技工,但对工作没有任何消极态度。

Though he is a deaf and dumb mechanic, he hasn't any negative attitude to his work.

191 虽然他曾是国际象棋冠军,但在这次预赛中被意外地淘汰了。

Though he had been chess champion, he was unexpectedly eliminated in the preliminary match.

192 我的邻居因排水管被垃圾铁锈堵住而沮丧。

My neighbor frowned for draining pipe being choked by trash and rust.

193 酒醉了的运动员跪在足球场草坪上。

The drunken athlete kneeled on the lawn of football court.

194 严历的老师批评桑迪那篇毫不扣题的作文简直是胡说八道。

The rigid teacher criticized that Sandy's composition, which is remotely relevant to the topic, was simply nonsense!

195 为了防止牙齿被蛀蚀,桑迪的妈妈声明,禁止他过度地吃甜食和饭后甜点。

In order to protect his teeth against dental decay (erosion), Sandy's mother declared to prohibit

him from eating sweet diets and desserts excessively.

196 他郑重的讲话方式适合于那种场合。

His formal style of speaking was appropriate for the occasion.

197 他细看标签以辨认出那些剃须刀的价格。

He peered at the tag to read the price of some shaving tackles.

198 他删去计算机中所有的经典戏剧,并复制进去一些现代摇滚音乐。

He deleted all the classical dramas in his computer, and reproduced some modern jazz music into it.

199 你真是个幸运的家伙---你的妻子身材苗条优美,微笑迷人。

You are lucky devil your wife has a slender and graceful from and a fascinating smile.

200 那位黑人是一名跳水运动员,他被告知喝柠檬汁可以代替日常服用维生素C。

The Negro, who is a diver, was told that he could substitute drinking lemon juice for taking Vitamin C everyday.

201 那位代表准时参加了会议,但对我们的提问仅做了勉强的回答。

The representative was punctual in participating the session, but he only had a reluctant response to our question.

202 造反分子喊着口号、挥动着彩旗,并肩行进通过大街。

The rebels paraded through avenue alongside, shouting slogans and swinging colorful banners.

203 殖民地人民反对新的税收政策。

The colonists protested against the renewed tax policy.

204 大获全胜以后,侵略者中止了谈判,同时将若干不平等条约强加给大陆。

After a complete triumph, the invader suspended negotiation and imposed some unequal treaties on mainland in the meantime.

205 证人的证词使反叛事件趋于明朗。

The witness's statement shed new light on the revolting incident.

206 在西方国家,现代都市生活的压力导致了吸毒,自杀,离婚和暴乱事件的上升。

The pressures of modern urban life have led to a boosting percentage of drug abuse, suicide, divorce and riot in Western societies.

207 解决了一次巨大的饥荒危机后,那位行政官很快出名了。

The executive became famous swiftly after he resolved the immense famine crisis.

208 令我惊诧的是两周后议会将解散。

It astonished me that the parliament will be dissolved a fortnight hence.

209 在参议院议事厅里,他们因如何建立一种新的共和政体争议。

They were debating how to establish a new republican constitution in the senate chamber.

210 我奉命向贵国失踪警的家属致以慰问。

I'm instructed to convey our sympathy to the families of your missing cops.

211 一些竞选标语贴在墙上,提倡选民应履行个人权利。

Some campaign posters, which were pasted up on the wall, advocate that every voter should exercise his individual option.

212 司令官代表同盟国签署了文件。

The commander signed the document on behalf of the ally.

213 据政治家分析,他在那次选举中最多得到1000张选票。

According to the analysis of the politician, the maximum votes he polled would be 1000 in the election.

214 该合同中的一项罚款条款被人用一个红色的三角符号标出。

A penalty clause in the contract was outlined by a red triangle.

215 政府在独立问题上采取了妥协的态度。

The government adopted a compromising attitude on the issue of independence.

216 我们的政治制度正在不断发展。

Our political institutions are in continuous evolution.

217 外交部已经向合法移民提供了援助。

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has rendered assistance to the legal immigrants.

218 议事日程的第一个议题是由临时工提出的改善工资结构的问题。

The first item on the agenda is reforming salary structure that was taken up by temporary staff.

219 无论在什么社会环境下,为了保护国家财产,我们应当利用一切切实可行的措施。

We should utilize all the applicable measures to the fullest extent to preserve the state property in any social surrounding.

220 对于那些有害于集体利益的非法活动,我们应该采取有效行动予以阻止。

We should take valid action against illegal activities that are harmful to collective benefits.

221 至少,成功的要素应该包括你的能力,人际关系,以及来自你的家人,合作伙伴或同事之间的支持。

At lowest, the factor of success should involve your ability, relationship, and support from your family, associates or colleagues.

222 成功只能算是幸福的一种要素,如果为了获得成功而牺牲了其他各种要素,则未免得不偿失。

Success can be only one ingredient in happiness, and is too dearly purchased if all others ingredients have been sacrificed to obtain.

223 成功常常是指做成某件事时所受到的发自内心的满足与欢乐,大同小异不管这种成就是那么的微不足道。

Frequently, success is the inner satisfaction and merriness of achievement, no matter how small it may be.

224 有时,成功的价值并不在于被人拍拍后背赞扬或获得一次晋升的机会,而是更有成效地组织了一次年度会议。

Sometimes, success is not a pat on the back or the promotion that makes it worthwhile, but means a yearly conference more effectively and efficiently.

225 成功不是用你的一生所取得的地位来衡量,而是用所克服的挫折或障碍来衡量的。Success is not measured by position you reach in life, it's measured by discouragements you overcome--Washington.

226 要想成功,你必须有清晰明确的目标,持之以恒的行动,并且放弃那些无用的做法。To succeed, you must have precise target, persistent action, and discard all the approach that is worthless.

227 确定你的目标,自信地预想你的成功,不断学习,直至掌握了改变人生的力量--这是走向成功的三个基本原则。

Define your goal, forecast your success with self-assurance and steadily study until you grasp the life changing powers-- which are three basic principles of success.

228 为了使你专注于自己的目标,实施你的策略,调整你的计划,你必须不断地激励自己。In order to

keep focus on your destination, to implement your strategies, to adjust your enterprise, you must motivate yourself constantly.

229 无论你的追求是什么,只要你下定决心去实现它,只要你将它看成你神圣使命,你将一定会达到目的。

Whatever goal you pursue, if you had committed to accomplish it, if you look it as a holy mission, you can do virtually get it.

230 真正的自信源于了解并接受自己,你的优势和你的障碍。

Real confidence comes from knowing and accepting yourself--your strengths and your limitations.

231 智慧的火花源于渊博的知识。

The sparks of genius derive from learned knowledge.

232 当面临巨大的挑战和致命性的失败时,你的忍耐力是最关键的。

When confronted with huge challenge and fatal failure, your duration will be crucial.

233 如果你想在相互合作中取得主动权和主导地位,你必须说服别人支持你的观点。

If you want to take initiative and dominant position in your mutual cooperation, you must persuade (convince) others to support you perspective.

234 除了野心,你必须有坚定的信念,合理的时间安排表,并且不断地追随你的目标直至成功。

Besides ambitions, you must have steady belief, reasonable timetable and chase after your aim until you have attained to.

235 盛情款待之后,他说他最关心她的幸福。

After a royal entertainment, he told that his fundamental concern was for her welfare.

236 通夜思考之后,我的副手甜职了。

My deputy resigned after consulting his pillow.

237 一只凶猛有力的鹰在池塘边捕获了一只老鼠,但却把它带到其它地方去吃。

A fierce dynamic eagle captured a rat near pond, but carried it off to elsewhere.

238 就在渔船要进港时,那只可恶的鲸鱼出现了。

Hardly had the fishing vessel entered the harbor when the damn whale emerged.

239 那位虔诚的教徒因不同的道德观而引起相互抵触。

A mutual conflict roused because of the two religious saints holding different moral outlooks.

240 帝国不同于王国,前者由皇帝统治,后者由国王统治。

Empire differs from kingdom; the former is governed by emperor, while the latter is governed by king.

241 那位内科医生说,对于消化系统紊乱的病人来说,体育锻炼非常重要。

The physician said that physical exercise is important to the persons who are suffering from a disorder of digestive system.

242 这种冒险活动要给演出活动平添了几分乐趣。

The risky elements add additional fun to the performance.

243 一场电影或流行音乐会可以消除你一天的疲劳。

A movie or pop concert may relieve you of a whole day's fatigue.

244 不论业余或职业运动员,只要滑冰熟练均可参加。

The competition is open to both amateur and professional sportsmen who are skilled at skating.

245 消防员说,远郊的大多数娱乐场所没有紧急出口。

The fireman said that most of the amusement establishment hadn't the emergency exit in the outer suburbs.

246 观众为他极其精彩的魔术表演而鼓掌。

The audience applauded for his superb magic performance.

247 在预防非典的关键时期,我们学院执行了强制的纪律,以防学生受到流行病毒感染。

In the critical phase of SARS, our academy made some enforced discipline to prevent any student being infected with the epidemic virus.

248 学习了非典传播的明显特征之后,这一地带的居民在防非典上取得了巨大成就。

After they had learned the distinct characters of SARS's infection, residents in this zone made a brilliant achievement in preventing SARS.

249 对于我来说,那场歌剧令人流泪的结局是一个难忘的场面。

The opera's weepy and miserable ending is an impressive scene for me.

250 这个电视剧剧本很无聊,我只浏览了其中的一些章节或片段。

This TV series' script was not interesting, so I just scanned some sections or segments.

251 外科手术后,医生建议他每天喝一升粥(流食),吃两碟色拉和一剂药粉。

After the surgery, the doctor proposed him to have a liter of porridge (fluid food), two saucers of salad and a dose of powder everyday.

252 为了保护肝脏,他发誓禁食他喜爱的咸肉和烈酒。

In order to protect his liver, he pledged to forbid himself having his favorite bacon and liquor.

253 外科医生建议他不安的病人在严重的伤口愈合前不要停止日常注射。

The surgeon dictated to his upset patient that he shouldn't halt the daily injection before his severe wound heal.

254 电影摄制棚顶跨度18米,由4根水泥柱支撑。

The studio roof, which spans 18 meters, is sustained by 4 cement columns.

255 他的电影融现代理念与浪漫意识于一体,打斗场面火爆

。His films combine up to date concepts and romantic consciousness with high voltage violence.

256 后来,在护士和忠实的仆人的照顾下,那位音乐家战胜了肺癌。

Afterward, the musician conquered lung cancer under the care of the nurse and his faithful maid.

257 酸白菜和辣椒酱刺激了他的食欲

。The acid cabbage and pepper sauce has stimulated his appetite.

258 我非常感谢你打消了我内心的疑虑。

I truly appreciate your scattering my inward doubts.

259 据某一特殊版本的圣经讲,一些妖怪,野兽和喷火的龙被关在地狱里。

A particular version of Bible said that some monsters, beasts and dragons breathing flame were captured in hell.

260 把王子变成一只青蛙后,那邪恶的女妖感到问心有愧。

The wicked fairy had a guilty conscience after she turned the prince into a frog.

261 如果航天器脱轨,它的内部通讯系统可以自动发出通知。

If the spacecraft is out of orbit, it can send a note automatically via the internal mail system.

262 组装以前,太阳能电池和一些其他部件都被仔细检查过。

The solar cell and other primary components were carefully checked before assembly.

263 由于压力巨大,白色的蒸汽从火箭的备用燃料箱中窜出。

White vapor bloomed from the rockets reserve fuel tank because of the huge pressure.

264 据估计这种现象在自然界是罕见的。

It’s assessed that the phenomenon is extremely unique in the whole of nature.

265 那位发言人在研究会上预言他几乎不可能通过光学望远镜发现新的行星。

On a seminar, the speaker anticipated that he could barely find new planets through optical telescope.

266 委员会认为会议延期举行是可行的。

The committee judged it was advisable to postpone the conference.

267 那起严重的交通事故发生在冬季一个寒冷刺骨的早晨。

The grave traffic accident occurred in a piercing chilly winter morning.

268 带着那个肘部,肋骨和腰部受伤的小伙子,救护车箭一般地驶去了。

Taking a chap who was injured in elbow, rib and waist, the ambulance drove away as swiftly as an arrow.

269 将铁路隧道一直延伸到县边界的建议是不可行的。

Your recommendation that we should extend the rail tunnel to the border of the county is not feasible.

270 如何兑现汽车保险的问题尖我们的咨询范围之内。

How to cash automobile insurance is outside the scope of our inquiry.

271 这个问题的解决促进了两省之间友谊。

The settlement of the issue promoted the friendship between the two provinces.

272 两只相似的蝴蝶轮廓留在矿石标本上。

Two similar butterflies' profiles left on the ore specimen.

273 回想近十年,这种解决办法在全球范围都是罕见的。

Recalling the latest decade, we find the solution is rare in the global context.

274 输入密码后,黑客删除了数据库中的一些文件,下载了新的软件安装在计算机上。

After in putting password, the hacker deleted some files in database, downloaded new software

and installed it on computer.

275 据说,我校视听资料图书馆将要安装一套新的多媒体装置。

It’s liable that a new set of multi-multi-media device will be equipped in the audio-visual library of our school.

276 在那次生物会议上,微生物的分类问题引起了观点冲突。

An argument has been aroused by the classification of microscopic creature on the biology congress.

277 他关于那本小说的评论发表在译本期刊的增刊上,引起了一连串的争议。

His standpoint about the novel, which was published on a journal supplement, has provoked successive controversies.

278 对于这个敏感的话题,难免会出现尴尬的场面。

An awkward situation can't be avoided to this sensitive issue.

279 大量的人造织物在车间染成了紫罗兰色,一-暴露在阳光下就裉去了颜色。

Enormous amount of artificial fabric, which had been dyed violet in workshop, were fade when exposed to the sunlight.

280 社会需要医生,理发师,技术员,记者,画家等从事特定的工作以维持其运转。

281 Our society needs doctors, barbers, technicians, correspondents and painters to perform

specific task necessary to its operation.


To make friends, some factors must be taken into account such as age, race, race, intelligence and personal passion.

282 一般来说,长久的友谊需要相互的理解和容忍。

Normally, a permanent friendship needs tolerance and understanding for each other.

283 快乐时我们可以在朋友的陪伴下尽情娱乐,沮丧时,我们可以向朋友倾诉心中的焦虑,担忧,悲伤或迷惑。

We can engage in leisure time accompanied by our friends in happy time, conversely, we can unburden our anxiety, sorrow, distress or puzzle to them in bad mood.

284 而且,亲密的朋友也是你拥抱,憎恨甚至是诅骂的发泄口。

Furthermore, an intimate friend is also a healthy outlet for your negative feelings such as complaint, hatred or even curse.

285 犹豫时,朋友的建议可以使你充满自信和活力。

In hesitation, the suggestion of your kind friends can make you confident and vigorous.

286 在朋友的精神支撑或物质资助下,你可以顺利地实现你的目标。

The spiritual or financial aid of your friends can easily confirm your belief to accomplish your


287 滥用酷型为文明人所不齿。

The abuse of torture must disgust any civilized person.

288 荒廖的是一些工人竟然否认领导的作用。

It is ridiculous that some workmen deny the impact of their leadership.

289 他最大的愿望是向她倾诉他所有的烦恼,然后和她和谐融洽的生活在一起。

His ultimate desire is to unload all his troublesome problems to her and then live together with her harmoniously.

290 为了摆脱债务,那位年长的编辑取出他所有的积蓄,电汇给他以前贪心的房东。

In order to be rid of debt, the elderly editor withdraws all his savings (deposits), and transmitted it by cable to his former greedy landlord.

291 曾有谣言说,他已被联邦税务局解雇。

There was a rumor that the he had discharged by federal Tax Bureau.

292 温室的主人在温室里种植洋葱,大蒜和蘑菇。

The greenhouse owner planted onions, garlic and mushrooms in it.

293 无论如何,强迫一个天真可爱的孩子去做成人的工作是不公平的。

Anyhow, it is unfair to compel an innocent and cute kid to do the work of a mature man.

294 将冼衣房和盥冼室设在起居室的后部是非常合理的。

It’s reasonable to be situated the laundry and lavatory at the rear of the living room.

295 她因自己的双胞胎婴儿每晚总是被蚊子叮咬而感到无奈。

She feels helpless that mosquitoes always sting her twin infants every night.

296 陪审团反馈的调查结果是,那位候选人曾对国家做出了非凡的贡献。

The feedback from the jury's findings showed that the candidate made extraordinary contribution to the country.

297 他将炉灰按比例混合起来。

He blended the clay and furnace ashes in just proportion.

298 退休后,那位寡妇依靠着微薄的工资和津贴过着艰幸的生活。

After being retired, the widow relies on her slender wages and allowance to lead a tough life.

299 正义最终取得胜利,作恶的人受到惩罚是必然的。

It is necessary that the justice should prevail and the guilty men should be punished at last.

300 我确信美国的国会相当于英国的议会,因为它们都有制定法律的权利。

I bet the American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament as they both have the right to make laws.
