(1) Expanding our co-operation in science and technology can be one of our greatest gifts to the future.
(2) We can work together as equals in a spirit of mutual respect and mutual benefit.
(3) We Americans admire your accomplishment, your economy, your hard work, creativeness, and vision, your efforts against hunger and poverty, your work with us for peace and stability in Korea and South Asia.
(4) I should like to pay a tribute to the leaders of China for the vision and farsightedness of their approach to the negotiations.
(5) I have seen the fresh shoots of democracy growing in the villages of your heartland. I have also seen the cell phones, the video players, and fax machines carrying ideas, information and images from all over the world.
(6) There is also great potential in our joint efforts to increase managerial and scientific
(1) 扩大我们在科技方面的合作可以成为我们送给未来的最大一份礼物。
(2) 我们两国可以本着平等互利和互相尊重的精神携手合作。
(3) 美国人民佩服你们的成就、你们的繁荣经济、 你们的勤劳工作、你们的创造性和远
(4) 中国领导人对谈判采取了高瞻远瞩的态度,对此,我谨表示敬意。
(5) 过去四天来,我看见民主在中国内地的农村萌芽。我也看见了移动电话、录像机、
(6) 双方在共同提高经营管理技术和专门科学技术方面也是大有可为的。
(1) 互相了解,是发展国与国之间关系的前提。
(2) 改革开放二十五年来,中国的国力增强了,人民生活提高了。
(3) 中美保持友好关系,不仅造福两国人民,而且对促进亚太地区和世界的和平、稳
(4) 我要借此机会,向伟大的美国人民转达十二亿中国人民的诚挚问候和良好祝愿。
(5) 二十一世纪即将来临,世界各国人民都期待着新世纪成为一个充满希望的世纪,我
(6) 稳定的中美关系并不意味着两国之间不存在差异、争论或纠纷。
(1) Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to –state relations.
(2) Since the inception of reform and opening-up program, China’s national strength and people’s living standard have improved.
(3) A friendly relationship between China and the United States not only benefits the two peoples, but also contributes significantly to peace, stability and prosperity on the Asia-Pacific and the world at large.
(4) I wish to take this opportunity to convey to the great American people the cordial greetings and best wishes of the 1.2 billion Chinese people.
(5) On the eve of the 21st century, people all over the world are looking forward to a new century full of hope and our planet blessed with peace, tranquility and prosperity for mankind.
(6) A stable Sino-US relationship does not necessary mean that there will be no differences, controversies or disputes between the two countries.
(1) You must be here without fail by ten o’clock tomorrow morning.
(2) He little thought that the police would arrest him.
(3) It’s too good a chance to miss.
(4) It was beyond his power to sign a contract of one million US dollar.
(5) People take responsibility for helping others, without being told.
(6) The secret was not told until after the old man’s death.
(1) 明天早上十点钟你必须赶到这里。
(2) 他一点也没有想到警察会逮捕他。
(3) 不能错过这样一个好机会。
(4) 他无权签订一项金额为一百万美元的合同。
(5) 人们主动地承担起帮助他人的责任。
(7) 这个秘密在老人去世后才说出来。
(1) 我再也不想见到你了。
(2) 任何国家要和平生存就必须遵守这些原则。
(3) 我们坚信要取得经济的增长首先需要政治稳定。
(4) 不搞改革,不坚持开放政策,我们制定的战略目标就不可能实现。
(5) 直到1920年,也就是美国人权法颁布129年后,美国妇女才获得了选举权。
(6) 相互了解是发展国与国之间关系的前提,唯有相互了解,才能增进信任,加强合作。
(1) You are the last person I want to see.
(2) No nation can live in peace without these principles.
(3) We strongly believe that there can be no growth in economy without political stability.
(4) We cannot reach our strategic goal unless we carry out reform and adhere to the open policy.
(5) American women did not get their right to vote until 1920. That was 129 years after the
Bill of Rights was issued.
(6) Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations. Without it, it would be impossible for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with each other.
(1) It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it open.
(2) Every once in a while, a dark horse candidate gets elected president.
(3) The student was caught cheating in an examination and he had to face the music.
(4) How did we go, in so short a time, from living by candlelight to exploring the frontiers of
the universe by satellite; from each farmer laboring with horse and hoe for an entire year just to feed four people, to running his farm with the most modern machinery and producing enough to feed 75 people, making America the breadbasket of the world.
(5) In America, the Senior-Citizen’s-Net enables old people to exchange their gardening tips,
debate current issues and form new friendship, and get married.
(6) Newspapers reported that the leaders of the two countries touched all bases in their talks.
(7) This is a dangerous and violent city. In some parts of it the only law is the law of jungle.
(1) 创业容易守业难。
(2) 时不时地,一位名不见经传的候选人赢得了总统选举。
(3) 这个学生在一次考试中作弊当场被抓, 他得为此承担后果。
(4) 美国是怎样在很短的时间内,从靠蜡烛照明的生活步入卫星上天,探索宇宙疆域的阶段呢?怎样从一个农夫用马和锄头辛苦劳动一年只能养活四口人,到用最现代化的机械耕种自己的农场,生产所得足以养活75人,使美国成为世界粮仓的呢?
(5) 在美国,夕阳网使老年人可以在网上交流养花种草的经验,发表对时事的看法,结交朋友,甚至结婚。
(6) 据报纸上报道,两国领导人的会谈涉及了问题的各个方面。
(8) 这是一个危险而充满暴力的城市。在有些地方,唯一的法规就是弱肉强食。
(1) 中国正在发生着日新月异的变化。
(2) 今日, 四世同堂的传统大家庭在中国已经不多见。
(3) 周恩来是中华民族优秀传统的继承者。他的品德、人格、风范、情怀为中华民族
(4) 周恩来的这些精神,无论过去、现在、和将来,都是中华民族宝贵的精神财富,是
(5) 调查显示,在北京、上海和广州这样的大中城市,有60万多无子女的双职工家
(7) 很多中国父母“望子成龙”心切。他们给孩子花钱毫不吝啬,特别是对孩子的教育投资。
(1) China now crackles with dynamics of change.
(2) The traditional extended families of four generations living under one roof
are rare in
China today.
(3) Zhou Enlai was a continuer of the fine tradition of the Chinese nation. His moral character, personality, style, and noble sentiments constituted a paragon for the Chinese nation.
(4) All these aspects of Zhou Enlai’s spirit were, are and will be treasures in the Chinese
heritage, and a powerful motive force encouraging the descendants of Emperors Yan and Huang to work for the perpetual progress of the Chinese nation.
(5) The survey shows that there are 600,000 double-income-no-kid families in large and
medium-sized cities such as Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai.
(6) “Fine levies” had been an effective means of promoting family planning and played an
important role in preventing unplanned and additional births.
(7) Many Chinese parents have placed much hope on their children; they do not hesitate to
spend money on their only children, especially on their education.
(1) “Uncle Sam will likely lop off 40% in taxes, which won’t leave much.” Zhu Diwen said when asked how he planned to disposed the prize money.
(2) Half of the U.S. work force is now under 35. Whether their collars are blue, white or pink, most of these are non-supervisory workers.
(3) Some western economists say: “ When the United States coughs, the rest of the world
catches cold.”
(4) Applicants who had worked at a job for five or more years would be given certain preference over those who had not.
(5) There is no month in the whole year, in which nature wears a more beautiful appearance
than in the month of August.
(6) Let us commit to keep moving forward together, turning small steps into
giant strides for our people, our nations and the world.
(7) If our people could go forward in this spirit, planting not one tree, but millions, and then tending each so it may grow sturdy and tall, then the dream of a single youth might grow into the golden dreams of all mankind.
(8) President John Kennedy often used a metaphor to describe such progress: “ A rising tide
lifts all boats.”
(1) 当问起他如何处理这笔诺贝尔奖时,朱棣文说:“大概先给山姆大叔——美国政府扣去约40%的税,所剩也就不多了。”
(2) 现在美国劳动人口有一半在35岁以下。不管他们从事的是蓝领工作, 白领工作还是
粉领工作——指秘书, 打字员, 护士, 店员等女性+工作, 这些人大多数都是非管理人员。
(3) 有些西方经济学家说:“只要美国一咳嗽,全世界其他国家就感冒。”——即美国经
(4) 工作五年或五年以上的申请者将给予一定优惠.
(5) 一年之中,大自然的美莫过于八月。
(6) 如果两国人民本着这种精神,栽下的不是一棵而是千百棵这样的树,然后一一加以培育,使他们茁壮成长,那末一个青年的梦想就有可能变成全人类的伟大梦想。
(7) 让我们共同承诺,为我们两国人民,两个国家和全世界,以巨人的步伐携手前进。
(8) 约翰﹒肯尼迪总统常用“水涨船高”来比喻这种社会进步。
(1) 我们鼓励台湾首先与大陆搞“三通”。
(2) 中国人过年的传统之一是在门上贴春联,祝福来年好运。
(3) 玄奘万里取经,带回南亚国家的古老文化。
(4) 明代郑和“七下西洋”,把中华文化传向远方的国度。
(5) 几年来,中国政府一直在致力解决大城市中的“三无”盲流人口。
(6) 让我们把中日友好事业推进21世纪及今后的世世代代。
(7) 为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。
(8) 每个国家,每个民族都有自己的历史文化传统,都有自己的长处和优势。
(1) We encourage Taiwan first to have “three exchange” with the mainland; that is the exchange of mails, trade and air and shipping services.
(2) One of the traditions of the Chinese New Year, the Spring Festival is that people put spring couplets, short poems written in black ink on strips of red paper on the sides and above doorways and gateways, expressing good wishes for the coming year.
(3) Eminent Monk, Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty (615-907) brought back ancient culture after braving long journey to South Asia
(4) In the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Chinese navigator, Cheng He led a fleet to what the people called the West Sea seven times in the 15th century, spreading the Chinese culture to distant land.
(5) For years, the Chinese government has been working hard to tackle the migrant problem of the “three withouts” in large cities: drifters without residence cards, without legal living quarters and without a normal source of income.
(6) Let us carry the cause of China-Japan friendship into the 21st century and
(7) To promote the development of China-U.S. relations, China needs to know the United
States better and vice versa.
(6) Every country or nation has its own historical and cultural traditions, strong points and