2013年02月20日 陈锷 编辑 第106期 共10页 优秀商业理念的传播者 永恒人性价值的倡导者 【言论】..............................................................................................................................1 【中小企业是科技创新最为活跃的力量】........................................................................2 【台泥董事长辜成允:台湾工商世家的成功之道】.........................................................3 【随想漫谈】......................................................................................................................3 【ALTRUISTIC CAPITAL: HARNESSING YOUR EMPLOYEES' INTRINSIC GOODWILL】...................................................................................................................4 【共创“理想国”——自由人的自由联合】....................................................................9 【言论】 1.创业不是一份工作,甚至不是一种职业——而是一种渴望。 (英国第四频道董事长卢克•约翰逊) 2.商界一个最愚蠢的观点是,“制定策略易,实施策略难”。但是,缺少明确实施途径的策略根本不能算是策略,只能算是一厢情愿的想法。 (伦敦经济学院访问学者约翰•凯) 3.当你说你要坚守价值观时,就意味着你愿意为之付出代价。否则,仅仅说自己的公司是一家价值驱动型公司是没有任何意义的。 你必须要学着坚守你的原则,如果你认为行贿可以让你走向成功,那你就错了。 (印孚瑟斯公司创始人穆尔蒂) 4.作为企业家,你的道德标准至少不能低于一个普通人。办一个成功的企业,企业的行为标准起码要高于普通人的道德标准。不能做损害他人利益的事情,在任何时候都必须这样,否则叫什么企业家呢?不如叫土匪头子。 金钱和财富带来的刺激非常短暂,反而是技术研究和精神追求能给我带来更多的满足感。 利润和规模并不是评价企业的标准,如果有标准,这个标准应该是价值。企业是否给社会创造了价值,这才是真正有作为的企业家应该思考的问题。 编辑:陈锷 Email:chene@pku.org.cn;chene@tsinghua.org.cn (远大空调有限公司总裁张跃) 5.差异化是公司战略的核心,也是公司竞争优势的主要来源。公司赚钱,靠的不仅仅是完成一件有价值的任务,还要做到有别于竞争对手,使自己能够更加有利可图地为核心客户提供更好的服务。 (贝恩公司合伙人克里斯·祖克、詹姆斯·艾伦) 6.企业营销的最高境界是努力用企业产品所代表的生活方式去迎合顾客所期待的生活方式。企业出售的不仅是具体的产品和服务,更应是透过产品和服务传达的生活理念。 企业营销不能仅局限于物质生活层面的诉求,而应该更多地从精神层面去挖掘触动人心的东西,以新颖独特或者是能够满足大众的生活方式去打动消费者,从而实现营销的可能性。 (南卫理公会大学考克斯商学院市场营销学特聘教授罗杰·A·凯林、丹佛大学丹尼尔斯商学院市场营销学教授史蒂文·W·哈特利、明尼苏达大学市场营销学教授威廉·鲁迪里尔斯) 7.企业是否可以持续过往的辉煌,主要取决于团队能否保持拼搏的心态和状态。当企业越来越大时,最大的考验是员工奋斗的激情是否还在持续。 (依文企业集团董事长夏华) 8.要实现持久的创新,企业应该与它的合作伙伴、供应商、顾客、研究机构、金融机构以及政府保持紧密的联系,这样一来公司就可以不断获得新的信息,并将这些信息融入公司的战略中,实现创新并保持竞争能力。为了实现这一点,公司必须做对两件事情:一是他们需要成为创新集群的一部分,二是他们必须采取开放式的创新,比如与他们的供应商、客户和业务伙伴一同参与创新。最后,持久的创新战略需要有广阔的创新视野。 (摩立特集团合伙人、中国区总裁谭瑞) 【中小企业是科技创新最为活跃的力量】 历史证明,每一轮经济危机都在一场深刻的技术革命后逐渐走出低谷并开始复苏。不得不承认,金融危机让“中国制造”遭遇空前危机,这造成的直接结果是各地区都在抓产业升级。但是同时新的问题出现了,在“抓大放小”的惯性思维下,不少人认为,产业升级是大企业的事,与中小企业没有多大干系。显然,这是一种误读。产业升级的核心动力是科技创新,而中小企业是科技创新最为活跃的力量。 在全球,中小企业的创新早已被足够重视。比如欧盟国家的中小企业研究与开发的单位投入所创造的新产品,是大企业的3.5倍。在北欧、日本、韩国与我国的台湾地区,有些不过几十人的小企业,其产品在国际市场上的占有率可以达到50%左右。这些企业之所以能成为“隐形冠军”,“核心竞争力”是其掌握着某种特色产品或者说某种零 2 配件的专门技术与一流工艺。 (贺臻《孵化隐形冠军》,《经济观察报》2010年8月2日) 【台泥董事长辜成允:台湾工商世家的成功之道】 我个人觉得,现在岛内的工商世家之所以能够成功,往往是自己不觉得自己是个“世家”,它就能够延续,每一个人都觉得还有很多东西要学,不断需要跟别人学。 另外一个很重要的就是要放下中国的“封建传统”,不要觉得你父亲或你家族的成功是可以世袭的,也不是你随便可以接班的。如果家族里面创业的动力逐渐缺失,认为我就是这个“姓”,就可以自然而然地继承,我想这是大部分企业无法成为“世家”的原因。 我父亲训练我们的时候,从来不跟我们讲要我们接班的,他只是想训练我们得到成功的经验。他也让我们与其他的经理人一起成长,让我们去历练。 另外,我父亲觉得他自己的小孩教不好,于是他就把我们送到他最严格的朋友那里去历练。这个过程对我来讲是非常重要的。因为我会说,我今天就算不是我父亲的儿子,就算不姓辜,我都能找到一份像样的工作,都能成功。这个过程是非常重要的。这也是最基本的观念,如果能够在这个家族中传承,我就觉得很了不起。 (张勇、朱琳《对话台泥董事长辜成允:“自己淘汰自己的过去”》,《21世纪经济报道》2010年8月16日) 【随想漫谈】 一:优秀的领导者最需具备眼光、魄力和胸怀 一个优秀的领导者,最需具备的三要素是:眼光、魄力、胸怀。 先说眼光。相当一些领导者总有意无意地去跟下属比专业能力,以为只有在专业方面比下属强,才能让下属服气。其实,作为领导者,对于专业有所了解就好,不必非得精通,非得胜过下属。最要紧的是要有眼光,或者说有头脑,有判断力,清楚地知道哪些下属专业能力出众(如果没有,就得努力聘用、引进这样的人才;如果你自认不是“伯乐”,欠缺识人之明,那不妨向海尔学习,海尔倡导“赛马不相马”,靠设计科学合理的竞争机制让人才“脱颖而出”,而不是靠领导者的“眼光”)。 再说魄力。把“千里马”识别出来后,就得敢用。“千里马”多多少少有点“脾气”、“个性”,很可能不招群众待见,“民主评议”不占优,这时候,就需要领导者展现“魄力”,力排众议,付以“千里马”重任。 最后是“胸怀”。把“千里马”赶上了架,但他往往桀骜不驯,时不时会撩蹶子,撒个野、放个炮什么的,而且矛头还常常指向当初的“伯乐”,此时,领导者就要有容人的雅量,而不是怪罪“千里马”忘恩负义。 3 以此来论,三国的刘备显然是个优秀的领导者,若说专业水平,武功他比不过关羽、张飞,计谋他比不过孔明,但他有慧眼,知道关、张功夫了得,诸葛智虑过人,于是大胆起用,且用其所长。即便这些人偶有“犯上之论”、“忤逆之行”,他也不以为意。结果,“三分天下有其一”。 二:要用年轻人——观《寒战》有感 前段时间,《寒战》热映,被誉为“近10年最好的香港警匪片”,故我也去影院一睹为快。 看完之后,我最大的感受是——要用年轻人。情节一,片中,88年入职的刘杰辉(郭富城饰),年纪轻轻就当上了警务处副处长,一开始,比其资深的另一位警务处副处长李文斌(梁家辉饰)看不起他,但到片末,李文斌却为刘杰辉表现出的智慧和才干所折服,毅然和警务处处长一起提前退休,让刘杰辉升任警务处处长(香港最年轻的警务处处长)。情节二,敢想敢干的张国标(李治廷饰)比刘杰辉还年轻,仍显青涩的他貌似刚出校门不久,却已位至廉政公署主任,他在调查中与刘杰辉、李文斌斗智斗勇,虽然“姜还是老的辣”,但他的胆略给刘杰辉留下了深刻印象,可谓“惺惺相惜”,以致后来案破时,刘杰辉力邀他加盟警署。 我又想起了那句老话“自古英雄出少年”,以及梁启超的《少年中国说》,感慨之余,想问:中国内地何时能出那么年轻的公安部长、国家预防腐败局处长? 请别误解我的意思,我说的是“年轻有为”,如果是想靠“拼爹”、“潜轨则”搏上位,那再年轻都不能用。 【Altruistic Capital: Harnessing Your Employees' Intrinsic Goodwill】 \"Work done in the spirit of service is the highest form of worship.\" —Abdu'l-Bahá The field of economics is rife with the concept of \"capital.\" There's financial capital—cold hard cash or cashable assets. There's fixed capital—the buildings, machines, and factories that enable productivity. There's human capital, which measures the economic value of an employee's skill set and intellect. And now there's a new member of the capital lexicon: altruistic capital. \"Altruistic capital is the idea that every individual has within them an intrinsic desire to serve,\" explains Nava Ashraf, an associate professor in the Negotiation, Organizations & Markets Unit at Harvard Business School. \"In an organization, all the employees already have some of this, in varying degrees.\" 4 A behavioral economist, Ashraf developed the idea of altruistic capital while conducting experimental field research for various global nonprofit organizations. But she believes that her findings on the subject will yield important lessons for the private sector, as well. \"As a manager, how you organize the work, and how you incentivize, can increase or deplete the amount of altruistic capital.\" Ashraf's interest in international field research sprouted from the realization that the people tasked with solving global problems aren't always in touch with the reality on the ground. During a summer at the World Bank, she worked on Moroccan agricultural policy with a team of consultants. \"I was just an intern,\" Ashraf says, \"but as I looked around the boardroom I realized that not one of these people had ever actually talked to a farmer in Morocco. And yet they were designing a rural development strategy for the whole country.\" Suspecting she could help people better if she actually met them, Ashraf sought out field research volunteer opportunities, packed her bags, and flew to the Ivory Coast (where she helped found the Rural Women's Training Institute in 1998). \"What I realized was that everything I had previously learned about development seemed to be conflicting with what I was seeing in the field,\" she says. \"I kept seeing situations in which people might seem to have access to various supplies and technologies, but they weren't able to take advantage of them for numerous reasons. It felt to me like a tragic situation that potentially could be solved with a bit more insight into how people actually make decisions, the structure of their constraints, and what really affects their behavior.\" Thus launched an academic career in which Ashraf challenges (and sometimes disproves) popular economic theory with field experiments. \"Field experiments give you scientific rigor while being close to practice,\" says. \"Unless you really have a bulletproof argument that you can't poke holes in, it's hard to change prior beliefs.\" Case in point is her research on performance incentives. 5 The power of measuring social impact Historically, economists and firms alike have banked on the theory that workers are motivated by earning financial incentives and boosting revenues. And in designing development projects for developing countries, nonprofit organizations tend to follow this theory, too. \"This is the traditional private-sector approach,\" Ashraf says. \"The assumption is that if you don't give someone a stake in the profits of the organization they won't feel that they have a mission.\" The practical problem with the theory is that many organizations, such as social service agencies, simply can't afford to motivate their staff with monetary bonuses. Moreover, a growing body of research indicates that corporate workers are very motivated by nonmonetary incentives, such as positive recognition from their peers. Ashraf speculated that organizations could motivate employees simply by showing them how their work helped others—in other words, by harnessing and increasing their altruistic capital. In December 2009, the Society for Family Health (SFH), an affiliate of Population Services International in Lusaka, Zambia, agreed to collaborate on a field experiment with Ashraf and two colleagues, Oriana Bandiera of the London School of Economics and Kelsey Jack of Tufts University. SFH had established a new program in which hairdressers provided HIV/AIDS education and sold female condoms at subsidized prices in their salons. The AIDS epidemic is especially dire in Zambia, where some 14.3 percent of adults (ages 15-49) were infected with HIV in 2010, according to government data. And HIV/AIDS is spreading fastest among married heterosexual couples. Ashraf explains that hairdressers were ideal educators and distributors for three key reasons: One, they tend to have unusually familiar relationships with their clients, whom they see repeatedly throughout the year. Two, a client sitting still for a haircut is a captive audience. Three, while there is a dearth of health officials in Zambia (the entire nation employs only 6,000 nurses), there is an abundance of hairdressers: a 2010 census by the research team found more than 2,500 salons in Greater Lusaka, serving a population of about 2 million. The team aimed to suss out the best way to incentivize hairdressers to distribute female condoms, which, barring abstinence, are the best-known way for women to protect themselves from HIV. 6 The researchers randomly chose a sample of 1,222 stylists (who were unaware of the experiment) and divided them into four incentive groups. The control group received no incentives at all; the hairdressers were purely volunteers. The small financial margin group received a 10 percent margin (50 kwacha) over the retail price for every condom pack sold. The large financial margin group received a 90 percent margin (450 kwacha) over the retail price. In the nonfinancial reward group, each stylist received a large paper thermometer, like those often used in fundraising campaigns, to hang in her salon. Each condom sale garnered a star stamped on the thermometer, providing a visual measure of the stylist's contribution to AIDS prevention in her community. Hairdressers who sold more than 216 condom packs during the yearlong study period were invited to an awards ceremony, along with five guests of their choosing, where they would be congratulated by a well-known Zambian health official. On average, the nonfinancial reward group sold twice as many condoms as hairdressers in the other groups. Ashraf notes that many stylists continued to work just as hard even when it was clear that they would not reach the awards ceremony threshold within the time period. The star-stamped thermometer proved especially effective for those hairdressers who demonstrated dedication to HIV prevention by volunteering some of their training earnings to a local HIV charity—those who started out with the most altruistic capital. (The authors provide a detailed account of their findings in the working paper No Margin, No Mission? A Field Experiment for Incentives for Pro-Social Tasks.) \"Qualitatively, the hairdressers [in the star group] told me they would look at that chart and feel proud of their contribution to the cause,\" Ashraf says. \"What was top of mind was their contribution to the social impact—in this case, protecting women from HIV. I think we've deeply underestimated the desire of individuals to serve others, in general, but especially in developing countries. And we've underestimated how the kinds of incentives we provide can either destroy that stock or leverage it.\" Recruiting altruistic capitalists 7 In 2010 Ashraf was part of a research team that helped the Zambian government with a nascent national program to recruit, train, and employ community health workers throughout the country. The goal: to employ 5,000 new community health workers by 2015. The challenge: how to recruit a high-performing, dedicated workforce. \"They were worried about what happens when community workers start to see themselves as government employees, whether they would maintain a connection to the local community,\" Ashraf says. \"At the same time, they wanted to recruit the health workers who would do the best work.\" The team's field experiment involved launching two separate recruitment campaigns, each targeting half of 48 randomly selected rural districts across the country and distributing marketing material in the nation's health centers. In 24 districts, potential employees were wooed with posters and brochures emphasizing community service. In the other 24, the material emphasized career advancement. \"Importantly, neither [campaign] talked about salary,\" Ashraf says. \"All that changed was emphasizing different aspects of the same job. But by framing the task differently, we actually presented a different mission.\" Indeed, the two campaigns drew two distinct groups of candidates. While the career advancement campaign attracted a group that had more qualifications and was more technically knowledgeable, the community-focused candidates were deemed more reliable—more likely to fulfill all application requirements, for example, and to show up at interviews when invited. The government deliberately hired candidates from each group. It's too soon to gauge which group will yield the best performers, since the candidates have just started working. But the initial results offer useful lessons for hiring managers everywhere. \"By emphasizing some aspects of the job over others, you can draw a different pool of candidates and potentially create different levels of performance,\" Ashraf says. \"And as a leader you can help every individual to accumulate more stock of altruistic capital by showing them the social impact of whatever they're doing.\" Work in the spirit of service 8 The quest for social impact has been a driving force in Ashraf's life since she was a little kid. Her family fled Iran during the 1979 revolution, escaping religious persecution. Nava was three. \"I grew up very aware of this broader world in which, with the flip of a coin, I could have been raised under a chador, not able to have an education, not able to actually do any of the things that I've been able to do in my life,\" she says. \"And so I really wanted to figure out how to bring these opportunities to others.\" Asked whether faith plays a role in her work, Ashraf nods hard. A quote from religious leader Abdu'l- Bahá, son of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Bahá'u'lláh, inspires her daily: \"Work in the spirit of service is worship.\" But religion is also an important aspect of the lives she studies and serves. \"It's an enormous, underestimated lever,\" she says. \"I see so many ways in which it's the most fundamental lever for motivation and behavior—in so many countries and for so many individuals. In an increasingly globalized world, it's more important than ever to acknowledge the role that plays for so many people. It's such a strong force in Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia. Most microfinance groups start with prayer.\" That said, she acknowledges that coming out as religious can be daunting for any academic, let alone an economist. \"To be an academic means that you put reason on a very high pedestal, and it should be,\" she says. \"The search for meaning is something that many intellectuals don't let themselves explore, because they feel like it would be against reason. But it is tragic if we feel that reason and faith cannot go hand in hand.\" (Carmen Nobel) 【共创“理想国”——自由人的自由联合】 什么是一个理想的组织?在我看来,一个理想的组织大概是这样的: 这个组织的成员之所以选择加入并非因为他们走投无路,迫于无奈,而完全是出于其个人的志趣,他们的目的非常纯粹,只是因为他们对这个组织感兴趣,对这个组织所致力的事业有热情,他们愿意为之奉献自己的才智,同时,对组织根据其能力、偏好分派给他们的工作亦胜任愉快。 这个组织的所有成员都秉持和信守如下价值观:诚实、正直、勤勉、进取、坚韧、公 9 允、宽容……他们光明磊落地做人,光明正大地做事。 这个组织的工作氛围很单纯,成员不必也不会勾心斗角,不用看任何人的脸色。 这个组织没有传统的金字塔结构,足够扁平,无上下等级观念。任何级别的员工都对公司具有影响力,每个成员都是领导者,也都是被领导者。在某个项目上,拥有最多真理的人,就是领导者,他将被其他成员追随,直至项目完成。 当然,这个组织也设有不同的职位,比如董事长、CEO,他们或者是组织的创办者,或者拥有强大的资源整合力和号召力,但即便是他们,也决非高高在上、说一不二,他们更多的是一个服务者、支持者、推动者。他们看重的是培育优秀的文化,拟定出色的制度,给组织成员提供足够好的成长条件,使之得到很好的职业发展和个人发展,在物质和精神层面都能获得成就感。 在这个组织里,承认每一个人的价值和尊严,成员之间彼此不称职衔,对董事长、CEO也直呼其名。 在这个组织里,没有人是唯唯诺诺的应声虫,每个成员都说真话,而无惧因此会失去工作。 在这个组织里,鼓励个性,欣赏异端,只要对完成工作有益。每个成员都可以大胆地“试验”,而不必害怕失败,只要他们不在同一个地方跌倒。 总之,在这个组织里,每个成员都是完全平等的自由人,他们自由地联合,为同一个梦想,同一个追求! (此刊尾文代表本刊对商业组织的想望和期盼,将保持开放状态,以持续改进。) 注: 1.本刊选摘内容都是编辑认为有参考借鉴价值的,但并不代表编辑的立场和观点。 2.本刊不定期推出。 10