
Apparatus and Method for Identifying Operational S

2021-03-21 来源:欧得旅游网

专利名称:Apparatus and Method for Identifying

Operational Status of Umbrella, Parasol orShading System Utilizing Lighting Elements

发明人:Armen Sevada Gharabegian申请号:US15911110申请日:20180303



摘要:An umbrella includes a first lighting element, a second lighting element, a firstelectrical component associated with the first lighting element, a second electrical

component associated with the second lighting element, and a computing device. Thecomputing device includes one or more processors, one or more physical memorydevices and computer-readable instructions being executable by the one or moreprocessors to 1) receive first status message or signals from the first electricalcomponent; 2) receive second status message or signals from the second electricalcomponent; 3) generate first light element commands based, at least in part, on thereceived first status messages and communicate the generated first light elementcommands to the first light element; and 4) generate second light element commandsbased, at least in part, on the received second status messages and communicate thegenerated second light element commands to the second light element.

申请人:Shadecraft, Inc.

地址:Pasadena CA US


