
Scalable video codingmultiplexing compatible with

2023-08-20 来源:欧得旅游网

专利名称:Scalable video coding/multiplexing

compatible with non-scalable decoders

发明人:Haskell, Barin Geoffry,Singer, David

William,Pun, Thomas,Wu Hsi-Jung,Normile,James Oliver



摘要:Scalable video coding and multiplexing compatible with non-scalable decoders

is disclosed. In some embodiments, video data is received and encoded in a manner thatrenders at least a base layer to be compatible with a non-scalable video encodingstandard, including by assigning for at least the base layer default values to one or morescalability parameters. In some embodiments, video data is received and encoded toproduce an encoded video data that includes a base layer that conforms to a non-scalable video encoding standard and one or more subordinate non-scalable layers,which subordinate non-scalable layers do not by themselves conform to the non-scalablevideo encoding standard but which can be combined with the base layer to produce aresult that does conform to the non-scalable video encoding standard, such that theresult can be decoded by a non-scalable decoder. An identification data identifying thoseportions of the encoded video data that are associated with a subordinate non-scalablelayer is included in the encoded video data.

申请人:Apple Inc.

地址:1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 US


代理机构:Lang, Johannes

