Euthanasia is the practice of intentionally ending a life to relieve pain and suffering. There are various euthanasia laws in each country. The British House of Lords Select Committee on Medical Ethics defines euthanasia as \"a deliberate intervention undertaken with the express intention of ending a life, to relieve intractable suffering\". In the Netherlands and Belgium, euthanasia is understood as \"termination of life by doctors at the request of a patient\". The Dutch law however, does not use the term 'euthanasia' but includes it under the broader definition of \"assisted suicide and termination of life on request\".
As is pointed out, the application of euthanasia is able to benefit both patients and families. It can support patients to dead rapidly and relieve them from the pain. For these people, the quality of life is the great value of life. For these patients who can never be treated, death is unavoidable to them, thus, euthanasia is the optimal avenue to prevent themselves away from great pain. Besides, these patients have to suffer from the pain, likewise, their family members have to understand the expensive charges and the great hurt mentally. Therefore, it is merciful for the doctors to help patients come to an end of their life with the euthanasia. In addition, to reduce the pain of the patients is one of the doctors' duties, as well as euthanasia. Generally speaking, everyone has the right and freedom to manage their own final destiny, refuse to accept any other cure. Thereby, right also includes the freedom of choosing to die as well as the ways of death. Even when it is indispensable to ask somebody else to end their life. To sup up, I would like to call on the legitimization of the euthanasia to let the patients get rid of the struggle between life and death as soon as possible.