专利名称:REMOTE CONTROL DEVICE发明人:FUKUSHIMA KEIJU申请号:JP3885686申请日:19860224公开号:JPS62196994A公开日:19870831
摘要:PURPOSE:To attain the sure control of load by receiving radio signals of atransmitter by a slave device set near the transmitter. CONSTITUTION:A control switchcorresponding to a load 2 or a sound generating device 3 to be operated by a
transmitter 1 is operated and radio signals are produced in response to the operation ofa control switch. These radio signals are received by a receiving circuit 9 of a slave device4 and outputted to a remotecontrolled IC 10. The IC 10 supplies the output of the circuit9 through an SDI terminal to convert it into a command signal and outputs this commandsignal to a power line 5 from a SDO terminal via a power line transport circuit 11. Thenthe command signal is received by a transmission/reception circuit 8 of a master device 6and then outputted to a control signal generating circuit 7. Then the circuit 7 produces acontrol signal containing an intrinsic address number and an action instruction of thedevice 4 or the device 3 in response to the contents of the command signal and transmitsthe control signal to the line 5 via the circuit 8.