1. 他完全专心于他的业务。
He is entirely absorbed in his business. 2. 那个聪明的男孩把他的老师们所教的知识全部都吸收了。
The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge that his teachers could give him. 3. 他还欠我30美元工钱。
He still owes me $30 for my work. 4. 我们深受父母师长之恩。
We owe a great deal to our mother and teachers. 5. 因为下雨, 我们不能来。
Owing to the rain , we couldn’t come. 6. 我还欠着买汽车的钱。 I still owe for my car.
7. 我的成功应该归功于我的老师。 I owe my success to my teachers. 8. 她教他法语以交换英语。
She is teaching him French in exchange for English.. 9. 玛丽和安交换了坐位。
Mary exchanged seats with Anne
10. 在会上,我们就此事交换了意见。
We exchanged our opinions about the event at the meeting 11. 他言行不一。
His conduct disagrees with his words. 12. 我们原谅了他的无礼。 We forgave him his rudeness. 13. 原谅我来得这么晚。
Forgive me for coming so late. 14. 他原谅她对他说过的那些话。
He forgave her for what she had said to him 15. 我的意见是最好宽大为怀,不念旧恶。 My advice is that it’s best to forgive and forget. 16. 我们终于买得起房子了。
At last, we can afford (to buy) a house. 17. 你能抽得出时间度假吗?
Are you able to afford the time for a holiday? 18. 他的名字我耳熟。
His name is familiar to me. = I am familiar with his name 19. 他往行李上贴了一个标签。 He attached a label to his baggage. 20. 这所医院附属于我们医学系。
This hospital is attached to our medical department. 21. 我的朋友昨天到机场为我送行。
My friend went to the airport to see me off yesterday.
22. 他坚持要我跟他一起去。 He insisted on my going with him 23. 你很快就会习惯住在这里的。 Soon you will get used to living here.
24. 尽管我不太理解实际情况如何,我相信很显然他所做的是正确当。.
Though I haven’t really understand the real situation, I believe it is obvious that what he has done is correct.
25. 如果你们两人在同一个办公室做事,你几乎免不掉要见到她的。 You can hardly avoid meeting her if you both work in the same office. 26. 在我高三的时候, 我真的有一段时间学习有些吃力。
When I was in Grade Three of high school, I really had a difficult time catching up with my classmates.